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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 732

Chapter 731

Suzi nodded.

Suzi slept peacefully in the hotel this afternoon.

It was night before I woke up.

Opened his eyes, but did not see the husband and daughter.

Suzi thought to himself, it must be the only one who pestered Arron to go downstairs and go out to buy something.

At exactly this time, her cell phone rang again. Suzi shuddered subconsciously. The call in the morning was from Lanita, but now, is it still Lanita?

If so, Suzi could not remain calm.

So no answer.

Suzi left the phone ringing, but didn’t answer it.

As a result, within a minute, the phone rang again.

She picked it up, and reluctantly connected: “Hey!”

“What’s wrong with Suzi?” Galia’s gentle and caring voice came from the other end.

“Galia, it’s you! Why do you remember calling me at this time?” Suzi was in a much better mood when she heard Galia’s voice, and she was simply pleasantly surprised.

“You are not in the company all day, and I and Rayna feel like we are missing something. Are things going well in your hometown?” Galia asked.

Suzi: “…”

Is it going well?

It’s hard to say.

However, Suzi didn’t want these things to let Galia know that Galia was a happy little girl, and Rayna was just better. So Suzi couldn’t tell them.

Otherwise, the two of them will be in a bad mood. “Everything went well.” Suzi said calmly.

“Then when are you coming back?” Galia asked again.

Suzi: “…”

Speaking of going back, she can go back now. Dad’s ashes have been picked up anyway, but it depends on Arron’s arrangement.

Originally, the family of three thought that they would spend a week in their hometown, and then Arron would teach Suzi to consolidate his car skills. But now, Arron has dealt with Shen Cuishan’s affairs by thunder means, and I don’t know if it can be over, so Suzi doesn’t. I know when Arron can go back.

As far as Suzi is concerned, the sooner the better.

She wanted to go back to Nancheng to find her mother.

“I don’t know.” Suzi replied.

At the other end, Galia said with a grinning tone: “Suzi, my mother wants to invite you to dinner. Tell me when you come back. She said she would make you dumplings with sauerkraut flavor from the Northeast. My mother made dumplings that are delicious. .”

Hearing Galia’s words, Suzi suddenly understood why Galia called her at this time. Christopher must have told Galia what happened, so Galia was specifically asked to comfort her.

Suzi’s heart suddenly warmed.

“Thank you, Galia, I will definitely eat when I go back.” Suzi said.

“Yeah, I’m dead, bye.”


As soon as the line was closed, Suzi’s cell phone rang again, and Suzi immediately connected with a smile: “Do you want me to bring you something back?”

On the phone, it was Arron’s voice: “I’m in the restaurant box downstairs. When you wake up, come down to eat.”

Chapter 732


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