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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 83

Read Chapter 83 – 84 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 83

Only half of Suzi’s scream came to an abrupt end in Arron’s arms. The man put an arm around her and put her eyes on his chest. Suzi couldn’t see anything.

But she has an unprecedented sense of security.

Immediately afterwards, her ears were also covered by Arron’s big hands.

Then, Suzi heard four or five muffled sounds, similar to the sound of fireworks.

Suzi subconsciously shrank into the man’s arms again.

The man released his hand covering her ears, and she heard the man say to Christopher: “Drive.”

The car drove away with a’swish’.

Suzi gradually sat up from the man’s arms, her face was red, she didn’t dare to look at Arron at all, she only glanced at the rearview mirror of the car, she saw the parking place just now, and fell down. People.

She knew that the muffled sound just now, similar to the sound of fireworks, was actually the sound of gunfire.

Involuntarily, Suzi glanced at the man.

His calm face seemed as if nothing had happened.

On the way, she didn’t speak any more, and the situation in which he put one arm around her and covered her eyes and ears when he was dealing with the person kept in her mind. She knew that he didn’t want her to see the horror. The human side.

I’m afraid she’s afraid.

Inexplicably warm in my heart.

The man took her to dinner. Her appetite was not very good. She said that it was impossible to be calm and not frightened. The man didn’t ask her why, but only symbolically ate something, and took her to the shopping mall to choose money. She had been to this kind of shopping mall before when she was in college, but she had never consumed it.

She can’t afford the clothes here.

Just feast your eyes every time.

The counters that Arron took her to were all of a tender style, but his vision was surprisingly good. The styles he chose all matched Suzi.

The salespersons at the counter saw such a big benefactor, all of them shining in their eyes. They fawned and flattered after running, “Mr., your girlfriend is really beautiful, and the temperament is very refined… ..”

“Sister,” the man said.

“Uh…what I said, it looks so much like you.”

Suzi: “…”

Far away, in the back corner of a special elevator for garbage bins, Jarod, Lanita, and Moira’s family of three were looking at Suzi and Arron without blinking.

Lanita’s eyes were red as blood. She was crying and gritted her teeth: “Dad! I’m going to kill that b!tch Suzi, I’m going to kill her now! If you don’t kill her Sooner or later, our whole family will be killed by Arron, oooooo…”

Lanita’s cry was desperate.

She had told Arron several times that she wanted to live with Arron, and she wanted to have a close relationship with Arron, but Arron always drove her out very unhappy.

Now Lanita didn’t dare to ask Arron any more, she was afraid that Arron would be offended.

She thought that Arron was cold and hot in nature, but she couldn’t think that Arron brought Suzi to the most prosperous place in the whole Yuncheng, and personally selected clothes for Suzi.

Lanita went crazy with jealousy!

Chapter 84

Moira on the side also hated her hideous face. She raised her arm and hit her husband on the shoulder: “Jarod, didn’t you talk to her yesterday?”


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