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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100 Want His Mommy

When Avery was excited, she grabbed Layla's hair with a fierce face and said.

"Isn't he the one who claims to be a good and loyal man? Aren't you his first love? I think the whole nation would love to know that he has an ex-wife and that you, the envied Mrs. Hill, are actually a vicious woman! I have all the evidence!"

Avery knew that this threat might not work on Jacob. He was a god-like figure who didn't care about mortal opinions.

But Layla was different. She had worked so hard to achieve everything she had today, and her reputation meant everything to her.

This threat was enough to make her tremble in fear.

"Alright, I understand. It's just the Adams Mansion. I'll give it back to you. Keep the knife away."

"Lastly, let me warn you about one thing. If you dare to cause trouble for my friend, I will ruin your reputation, Miss White. You are a smart woman, so you should understand the concept of not sacrificing the big picture for small gains. Don't end up with nothing to show for your efforts."

Avery used to think that engaging in such petty fights was beneath her, but now she realized that it didn't matter as long as it felt good.

Layla felt like her scalp was about to be ripped off. She had been so arrogant before, but now she was in a sorry state.

"Yes, yes, I'll do as you say. The knife hurts my neck."

The blade of the knife pressed against Layla's neck, and blood slowly seeped out...

Avery did apply some force to make her bleed, but not enough to endanger her life.

"Remember this pain, and if there's a next time, I'll kill you."

"Yes, I understand!" Layla trembled in fear and decided to stay away from this crazy woman in the future.


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