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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102 Ethan Became More Emotional

Suddenly, Ethan standing at the top of the stairs cried loudly.

The maid was so frightened that she stopped moving. Although Layla was not close to Ethan, she was his mother. So, she didn't want him to see bloody scenes and coldly said, "What are you doing? Hurry up and take Ethan away!"

The maids hurriedly rushed toward Ethan. Layla was upset by his sudden cry, so she sullenly urged, "What are you waiting for? Ruin her face."

Suddenly, a maid shouted upstairs, "Oh my God! Mr. Ethan has a lot of small red spots on his body and face. It must be an allergy."

Layla impatiently ordered, "Call the doctor!"

She wanted to deal with Avery more than take care of Ethan. After all, it was a once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity.

Avery looked at her in disbelief and said, "Isn't he your son? He's so young. When he cries badly, you should hold him in your arms and coax him!"

Layla mockingly smiled, "If you had ruined your face just now, I would have gone over to comfort him."

Hearing Ethan crying miserably upstairs, Avery felt heartbroken. He was not her child, but she somehow cared for him very much. Instinct drove her to drop the knife and go to hug him. Ethan also burst out with amazing strength and broke free from the maid's grip.

"Mr. Ethan!"

The maid's horrified voice echoed through the house when Ethan fell to the ground and rolled down the stairs. Fortunately, Avery ran fast enough and instantly held him in her arms. Then, she found his flushed face full of red spots, snot, and tears.

Ethan threw himself into her arms and shouted, "Mom!"


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