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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13 The Torment Within

Jacob's cold gaze swept towards John, who hurriedly explained, "Mr. Hill, Mrs. Hill is currently with Isabella."

Isabella was Avery's close friend, so it was normal for them to be together. In order to keep track of Avery's every move, Jacob had John add her on WhatsApp.

As John explained, he pulled out his phone and first showed Isabella's first Instagram post. Isabella, with romantic cherry blossom curls, was quite eye-catching. Jacob immediately spotted Avery by her side.

The contrast with her usual style was like night and day. Her waist-length hair was now cut to shoulder-length with a middle parting, giving her a delicate and melancholic look. Her once radiant and sunny girlish charm now carried a touch of melancholy.

She lowered her gaze, wearing an oversized unisex shirt that revealed her delicate collarbones, exuding a restrained kind of beauty.

The caption read "Rebirth."

Jacob didn't realize that his hand holding the phone was trembling slightly. She had been entangling him for a whole year, and now that she chose to let go, why did his heart ache so painfully?

No, his younger sister lay buried underground. Why did she deserve a rebirth?

He wasn't feeling sorry for her, just unwilling to accept it.

The torment was far from over. She couldn't escape it.

Lost in his own thoughts, Jacob barely paid attention as John added, "Miss Thompson took Mrs. Hill to the Allure Club."

He opened the next post. In the dimly lit environment, Avery reclined lazily on a plush sofa. A handsome young man in white kneeled before her, feeding her grapes.

At this moment, Jacob almost shattered John's phone.

"To the Allure Club."

The carriage was filled with a bone-chilling coldness as Jacob fixated on the young man in white.

He knew that Avery couldn't resist him when he wore a white shirt. Occasionally, she would even paint pictures of him as a young man in a white shirt. At this moment, Jacob realized he didn't want a divorce!

Not only did he not want a divorce, he even contemplated using a prison to keep her with him for the rest of her life, forcing her to live in torment as atonement for Martin.

John dared not even breathe heavily in the car. They couldn't quite understand. Over the past two years, Jacob had always been accommodating to Layla, yet they couldn't feel any genuine affection from him.

Instead, no matter how he neglected Avery, they felt that she was the one he truly loved. Sometimes, however deep the love, it could turn into bitter hatred. Blinded by hatred, Jacob was willing to pay any price to hurt her.

When Jacob rushed to the Allure Club, there was no trace of the two. Avery had brought the drunken and unruly Isabella home half an hour earlier, leaving Jacob empty-handed.

Jacob instructed his men to search several places, but there was no sign of Avery. John even checked all the hotels in the city but to no avail.

"Mr. Hill, Mrs. Hill probably arranged her accommodation in advance. If she didn't go through an agency for a rental, it might take a bit of time."

Jacob's eyes darkened more. It turned out she had planned it all along. As soon as she got the money, she left.

"Look in every nook and cranny. Find her for me!"

The good news was that Avery didn't bring any men with her. The young man who had previously received Avery was now tied up and kneeling in front of him.

Jacob lit a cigar, and in the swirling smoke, he looked coldly at the two trembling men. "Look up."

The two men hadn't expected to provoke such a big shot. They were shaking so much that their voices trembled as they replied, "M... Mr Hill."

"Did you touch her?"

"N...No. The young lady didn't like anyone touching her. She kept her distance from us the whole time. She only had two drinks before leaving with her friend."


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