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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 147

Chapter 147 Desperate Pursuit

Madison hastily recounted the process of how she found the child. The furrows on Jacob's brow deepened. "Did you see anyone else besides him?"

"No, when I found him, Mr. Ethan was crying with a balloon in his hand. Oh, and he kept calling for his mommy."


Ethan had never called Layla "mommy," so the person he referred to couldn't be Layla. It must be Avery.

John, who had already gone ahead to search for clues, reported immediately, "Mr. Hill, I checked the surveillance footage. Mr. Ethan was brought back by Mrs. Hill. She deliberately left him on the way where Madison usually goes shopping for groceries so that Madison would find him."

"Was anyone with her?"


"Keep digging."

Jacob grew even more puzzled. Could it really be as Layla said? Did Avery deliberately abduct Ethan?

If it was to extort him, how could she return the child without making any demands?

Jacob quickly dismissed this idea. The child was still wearing the pendant she had sent.

If she wanted to harm Ethan that night, she wouldn't have gone through the trouble of taking him away.

It wasn't her.

Then why didn't the kidnapper harm her and the child?

Jacob couldn't figure it out. He decided to call her and find out the truth.

However, he found that Avery's phone had been turned off.

Jacob sat up with a start. What did Avery mean?

He had people locate Avery and found that she hadn't returned to her apartment or contacted Isabella. Instead, she had just withdrawn a sum of cash.

Could it be that someone was threatening her?


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