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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 151

Chapter 151 Are These Yours 

Frank quickly pulled her into the woods, where there was a tree house that Randy had taken her to several days ago. 

However, Frank swept away the fallen leaves and led her into the secret underground base. 

It was dark underground. He lit the oil lamp, and the gentle light illuminated the entire base instantly. Avery was shocked when she saw the things stored inside. 

"Are these yours?" She pointed to the guns and weapons hanging on the wall. 

Frank nodded slightly without explaining too much. He picked up a small pistol and put it in Avery's hand. 

"The truth will always only be in the hands of the strong. No matter what happens in the future, you need weapons for self-defense." 

Avery touched the heavy pistol with a slightly nervous expression. She swallowed and said, "You are giving it to me?" 

Frank's eyes under the mask looked serious, and his voice was cold, "If you can't escape, I hope this is your last way out." 

He pointed the gun at his chest and said, "Point it at your enemy's chest, pull the trigger, and shoot him dead." 

It turned out that he knew very well every night when nightmares awakened her. He never said anything, but it didn't mean he didn't care. 

"If you don't want to have a nightmare, just cut off the source of the nightmare." 

Avery nodded fearfully. 

"Now, I'll teach you how to use it." Although Frank was injured, it did not affect his movements. 

His slender fingers flexibly decomposed the gun, and he said. "Before you shoot, you have to get to know it so that you won't accidentally hurt yourself." 

"I see." 


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