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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 154

Chapter 154 We Must Get There Before Them

"Hey, you know what? I heard several helicopters have been flying nearby in the past several days. The people inside are all wearing black clothes and sunglasses, just like we see on TV."

Frank was startled on the side. Jacob must have come here.

He hurriedly entered the small drugstore nearby and bought the necessary items. Carl hurriedly came in, "Frank, it's bad. The helicopters took off. They seem to be flying towards our island."

Frank took the things and said with a cold face, "Let's go quickly. We must get there before them."

Carl looked at the helicopters above their heads and chewed a snack in frustration, "Damn, what can fly is indeed faster than what can swim in the sea. They have covered such a long distance in such a short time. Frank, hurry..."

Carl tried to urge Frank to go faster but found that he was stepping on the gas as hard as possible.

The boat flew across the sea, and a large splash of water rose from the bow. The speedboat had exhausted its full strength.

Frank stared at the helicopters in the sky with a cold look in his eyes.

The difference between a helicopter and a speedboat was as significant as the natural chasm between Jacob and him.

Even though he tried his best, he couldn't catch up with Jacob.

But even so, he was still going to rescue Avery.

On the island, Lois specially cooked a pot of light porridge for Avery and cooled it a little before serving it to Avery.

"Young girl, eat some while it's warm. Whether you have children or not, your body is most important. You have to eat some even if you don't want to."

"Thank you, Lois." Avery took a sip, but she felt very nervous.

Before she took another sip, there suddenly came the sound of propellers circling from the sky. Randy spotted the helicopters in the sky.

"Avy, look, there are so many helicopters."


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