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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 157

Chapter 157 We Are Friends

Avery looked up at him. The sun was shining on him, but her eyes were so cold.

There was anger, ridicule, and contempt in his eyes.

"Jacob, what do you want from me? Do I not even deserve to live my own life?"

Obviously, they were divorced, but this man was even more possessive of her than before the divorce, and it had even reached a perverted level.

Jacob's eyes fell on the big hand holding her wrist tightly. Frank caught his eyes and subconsciously blocked Avery behind him.

The eyes of the two men met, and Frank didn't look intimidated at all, "You are divorced, and she doesn't want to go with you."

Frank's actions and words thoroughly angered Jacob.

Jacob looked at Frank with deep eyes, and he seemed very unhappy.

Even the surrounding air sounded noisy with the impending rain, and the sea wind was stirring wildly, blowing Avery's slightly longer hair.

She looked pale and was hiding behind a man. Although the man had a good figure, his shabby black jacket was already in tatters.

Jacob suddenly felt very unhappy. The man was no match for him. Why had she run away from him repeatedly just because of this man?

Jacob habitually took out a cigarette and lit it. He stood there lazily and proudly.

"Who are you to her? Who do you think you are to interrupt when we talk?"

Frank was speechless but quickly answered, "We are friends."

"Friends?" Jacob sneered, "Avery, you befriended a kidnapper. You're something."

The word "kidnapper" sounded particularly harsh.

"Jacob, things are not what you think. I can explain about the child."


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