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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 166

Chapter 166 The New Clues

Ada had been away for so many days, and logically, Andrew must have found some clues for her.

Upon hearing her voice again, Andrew showed concern about her health.

He asked, "Avery, are you okay?"

After what had happened on the ship last time, Andrew had been worried about her. He had called her several times afterward but got no response.

Avery responded, "Sorry for making you worry. I've been out of touch for a while due to some personal matters, but everything's fine now."

Only then did Andrew relax. "I'm glad you're okay. I did manage to find some results regarding what you asked me to investigate. Can we meet to discuss it in detail?"

Avery sighed. She hadn't even solved the trouble regarding Frank. If she went to meet Andrew, she wouldn't be sure what crazy things Jacob would do.

"Andrew, to be honest, I'm afraid of alerting the enemies. I suspect someone is keeping an eye on me. Your investigation hasn't attracted any attention, has it?"

Andrew shook his head. "Don't worry. I know what to do. Dr. Wood no longer works there. She resigned the third day after Jane's death."

"She resigned? What about that man?" Avery frowned. No wonder that doctor had shown her hostility when they had crossed paths.

Andrew replied, "He resigned a day before Dr. Wood did. Through detailed investigation, I found that that guy was an interim employee who had joined the asylum with the help of Dr. Wood. He even used a false name."

Avery asked, "What about Dr. Wood? She has a valid medical license. It can't be fake, right?"

"Dr. Wood was originally named Daisy Wood. She studied medicine at the same university as us, but a few years ahead. After graduating, she pursued further studies abroad and just returned this year."


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