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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 177

Chapter 177 Her Request

When saying these words, Avery went through all the sad events that had occurred in her life. She would only reveal tears when looking at him.

She knew she couldn't confront Jacob head-on anymore. After all, she was his former confidant; no one understood his temperament better than her. Using a gentle approach to overcome the strong was the best strategy.

Her voice was calm, devoid of complaints or interrogations, with just the right amount of glistening tears in her eyes.

Tears could make people repulsed, but when used effectively, they could become a sharp weapon.

Just like now, Jacob felt a dryness in his throat and a sense of guilt.

"I know," Jacob lowered his head, his brows filled with tenderness.

His hands fell on Avery's shoulders as he licked his lips and said, "I know we've been through too much in the past, and we can't go back. Everything related to Grace is settled from now on. You stay by my side, and I will take good care of you in the future."

This could be considered a significant compromise on his part.

Avery sneered inwardly. Was it so easy for him to dismiss everything after the way he had hurt her?

To avoid affecting her own plans, Avery put on a wounded expression and gently leaned against Jacob's embrace.

Jacob felt unprecedented nervousness due to her initiative.

After all, this woman had threatened him earlier in the morning, saying she would throw him back into the amniotic fluid. Yet now, she had turned back into such a gentle being in the evening.

During the two years they had spent together, they had mostly been on edge. Such moments were incredibly rare.

He even tensed up, waiting silently for Avery to speak.


That address felt like a cat scratching his heart, and Jacob responded with a sound.

"Let's have a good talk."

"You speak."

Avery's hands encircled his waist, just like before when she used to act spoiled towards him. She gently recounted her story on the island.

"At first, I was only trying to save Ethan. But later, I genuinely fell in love with that place. Nobody hurt me there; everyone on the island was kind-hearted. I really want to help them."


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