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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Were They Playing A Game

The reality that both she and Jacob had to face.

Jacob intended to give up on her completely.

However, she had made her own decision. Avery smiled gently at John and said, "I'm sorry, but please let Mr. Hill know I've changed my mind."

John was utterly puzzled by these two people. At first, Jacob insisted on getting a divorce, then it was Avery, and now Jacob had agreed, but Avery was having second thoughts again.

Were they playing a game?

Was City Hall their venue?

If Jason were here, he would have started complaining already. But John's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to conduct himself professionally, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Hill, but I can't decide this. I'm afraid you'll have to accompany me on this trip."

"I won't make things difficult for you. Let's go." Avery had anticipated this outcome from the beginning. She picked up a scarf and wrapped herself tightly before following Jason out the door.

In the past, whenever they tried to divorce, something unexpected happened. This time, however, things were proceeding unusually smoothly. Even the recent snowstorm had stopped, and it was a bright and sunny day.

The sky was clear, but the temperature remained chilly. The brilliant sunshine caused the accumulated snow on the treetops to melt, dripping down like tears.

When Avery arrived, Jacob was already waiting.

The hall was empty, with only him sitting there, legs crossed, eyes half-closed, and his fingers massaging his temples. He appeared exhausted.

As she approached, she could faintly detect the scent of alcohol on him.

Jacob hadn't been a heavy drinker in the past, but now he seemed to turn to alcohol every night.

He was tired but unable to sleep.

Suddenly, two small hands landed on his temples without warning, using a familiar technique and with the familiar scent of hand cream.

He opened his eyes, speaking softly, "You're here."


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