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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 58

Chapter 58 Not Qualified to Drink for Her

Avery reached out and took the wine bottle. "You're right. I should toast them."

At the same time, Nicholas and Isabella's hands reached out from her left and right. "No, you can't drink."

Avery looked at Isabella with pleading eyes. "I'll just have a little. It's okay."

Under the dazzling lights, Isabella saw the determination in Avery's eyes and silently let go of her hand.

Avery poured herself a glass of red wine. Nicholas wanted to say something but stopped, so he could only watch as Avery walked step by step towards them with a smile on her face. "Mr. Hill, Miss White, to your lifetime happiness. I'll finish it, and you can drink as you please. Consider this glass of wine as my early congratulations. I won't attend your engagement banquet."

Avery poured herself a full glass of wine, not bothering to look at Jacob and Layla's expressions as she drank it all in one gulp, just like the others who had toasted them before.

Jacob knew her drinking capacity. A whole glass of red wine was enough to make her drunk.

Layla stood up, raised her glass, and smiled. "With your blessing, Jacob and I will definitely live together till old and grey."

She didn't want to show weakness, so she poured the same amount for herself and drank it all in one gulp.

"That's enough!"

Nicholas and Jacob spoke at the same time.

Nicholas took the wine glass from Avery's hand, leaving half of the wine. He calmly said to Jacob, "Avy has a weak stomach, so I'll drink the remaining wine for her."


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