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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 6

Chapter 6 His Ruthlessness

The cold wind from the river blew in her face, piercing her bones with its icy touch like a knife. Avery struggled to get up and continued to chase after him.

However, she underestimated her current physical condition. She had only run a few meters before falling hard to the ground. The car door opened again, and a pair of shiny handmade leather shoes stopped in front of her.

Her gaze slowly moved up along his well-pressed trousers, meeting Jacob's indifferent gaze.

"Ja..." Avery weakly called out.

A pair of well-defined hands landed above her. For a moment, Avery seemed to see the young man in white who had once captivated her in her youth. She instinctively reached out her hand towards him.

But the moment their hands touched, Jacob coldly withdrew his hand, giving her hope and then mercilessly snatching it away, causing her body to fall hard once again.

She was originally uninjured, but she landed with her palm pressed against the broken glass shards on the ground, and the glaring blood dripped from her palm.

His black pupils froze for a moment, but he made no move.

Avery was momentarily dazed. She remembered that in the past, he would take her to the hospital in the middle of the night for a small cut on her finger.

The doctor on duty even joked. "Sir, luckily you came early. If you had come any later, the wound would have already healed."

The person from her memories overlapped with the man in front of her. His face was still the same, but his warmth and care had been replaced by coldness.

Jacob coldly and ruthlessly said, "Avery, others may not understand you, but don't I know you? You can somersault even after running a kilometer and a half. How could you trip after running a few steps?"

His gaze towards her was filled with disdain, like a sharp knife cutting into her.

Avery bit her pale lips and explained, "No, I didn't lie to you. I'm just sick and feeling weak..."

Before she could finish explaining, he bent down, leaned over, and raised her chin with his hand. His rough fingers brushed against her dry lips. "Indeed, like father, like daughter. For a little money, you're willing to act in such a pathetic play like your hypocritical father."

His words hurt more than the cold wind, stabbing her heart fiercely.

Avery forcefully pushed away his hand. "My father is upright and righteous. I believe he would never do anything immoral!"

"Ha." Jacob sneered. It seemed that he didn't want to argue with her about this topic. He took out a check from his wallet and casually filled in a number. Then he held the check with two fingers and placed it in front of her.

"Do you want it?"

That was a considerable sum of money, 750 thousand dollars. It would at least relieve her from worrying about Martin's medical expenses for a long time.

Obviously, he wasn't that kindhearted. Avery didn't accept it.


Jacob whispered softly in her ear, "As long as you personally say that Martin is a despicable beast, this money is yours."

Avery's expression changed dramatically when she heard that. She raised her hand to slap him, but Jacob grabbed her wrist. While struggling, Avery's injured hand hit his shirt, leaving a bloody handprint.

Jacob tightened his grip and his tone became stern. "What? Are you unwilling? Then let him die in the hospital. I've already chosen his burial place."

"Why did you become like this, Jacob?" Avery questioned with tears running down her face.

The man who once promised to protect her for a lifetime, to not let her shed a tear, seemed like a dream. Her tears were now just a tool to please him.

Even the faint yellow light from the streetlamp had no warmth on his face. His face was full of impatience. "You won't say it, huh?"

He let go of Avery and slowly tore up the check.


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