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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 Confrontation Outside

Given his temperament, Avery felt grateful that he only let her family go broke because of his sister's death.

But Nicholas wouldn't be so lucky. Avery shook her head, saying, "It's not like that, Nic. You shouldn't have gotten involved in this matter."

Nicholas had left in a hurry, and Avery's coat was left behind. He took off his coat, put it on her, and held her by the shoulders.

"Avy, I know he has caused you a lot of harm. I'm not asking you to accept me. I just want to be there for you in the remaining days. Could you give me a chance to take care of you, even if it's just as your friend?"

His plea threw Avery's heart into chaos. The better Nicholas treated her, the more she couldn't drag him into this mess.

"Nic, I understand your good intentions, but that man..."

Before she could finish her words, she caught a glimpse of a dark figure standing not far away, coldly staring at them like a reaper.

"Come here," Jacob demanded.

Avery noticed that the man's possessiveness had not diminished but increased. It was even stronger than before their divorce.

Nicholas quickly stood in front of her, warily looking at Jacob. "Mr. Hill, you're already divorced. Please don't hurt her anymore."

Jacob didn't respond. His deep eyes fixed on Avery's coat, and he repeated, "Take it off and come here."

He gave orders like a master, and if it weren't for Nicholas, Avery would have turned and walked away. The threat from the dinner table flashed through her mind. Others might not know, but Jacob was certainly capable of doing it.

She clenched her teeth, hid the humiliation in her eyes, and took off the coat.


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