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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 67

Chapter 67 Because You Can Swim

Avery stared at the door that seemingly would never open, her eyes gradually dimming.

No matter how many times such a situation happened, the result remained the same.

Her baby had been sacrificed last time, and Avery wondered if it was her turn this time.

Avery remembered that Jacob had only come half an hour after her surgery from Layla's ward. A wave of sadness and disappointment washed over Avery after she had lost her body. She asked Jacob, choking with sobs, "Why did you rescue her?"

"Because you can swim."

When Avery heard that answer, the tears that she had tried to hold back streamed down her cheeks.

She had been pregnant for six months at that time, and her feet were tangled in the fishing net underwater. She was a pregnant woman, not the Wonder Woman.

This time, Jacob still believed she was in good health as before, and thought that even if she got drenched in cold water, it would only result in a slight cold. Little did he know that a slight cold could potentially end the life of a patient undergoing chemotherapy.

He had thought everything was under his control, but this time, he was going to pay the price for his arrogance.

Except for her unconscious father, Avery had detached herself from any sentimental ties to this world.

She felt like a prisoner bound to a cross. When she held on to the end, all she could do was droop her head and await the judgment of death.

Avery didn't know how long it had passed before the door was finally opened. She weakly lifted her head, her gaze falling on the tall man at the door.

She mustered up her last bit of strength to watch him approach and walk up to her. He asked, "Avy, have you realized your mistake?"

Avery thought, "My mistake? What da*m mistakes have I ever made?"

At that moment, she wanted to laugh. Her stomach had long lost its sensitivity to pain, her hands were rigid and unfeeling, and her body had become devoid of any sensation.

What else could she say? It was she who had brought all this upon herself.


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