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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 85

Chapter 85 Broken Promises

This statement was particularly harsh, but she had no choice.

The hand that was trying to stop him had to let go, and Jacob had already reached for her down jacket. Inside was a sweater, and underneath the sweater was a padded vest with another layer of warm clothing inside.

He furrowed his brows in confusion and asked, "Are you an old lady? Why are you wearing so much?"

Avery blushed and bit her lip, replying, "I'm afraid of the cold."

Soon, Jacob realized something. Even though she was wearing so much, she didn't look fat at all. Just how thin had she become?

Touching her skin, he could feel the sharp bones beneath her back, as if there was only a thin layer of flesh covering them. When did she become so thin?

The wicked thought that had just crossed Jacob's mind disappeared completely, replaced by an invisible sense of guilt.

Avery didn't know how things had escalated to this point. She stared at his pitch-black pupils with displeasure. "Aren't you afraid that Layla will find out about this? Don't forget, we're already divorced."

Jacob's cold and cutting voice came through, "My affairs with her are none of your business. I agreed to your proposal just now. From now on, you will take your father's place in making amends."

Avery quickly interjected, "What about Leno..."

"I will find him."

With his promise, Avery finally breathed a sigh of relief. The man's gaze locked onto her like a hook. "And you, you must be at my beck and call whenever I need you."

Avery couldn't believe he had said this.

In the shimmering tears in her eyes, Jacob's icy fingertips brushed her cheek, his voice both frivolous and contemptuous. "I suddenly realized something. It seems that I still desire your body. And every time I touch you, you seem to be in agony."

Jacob's extremely cold gaze saw through her. "Is there a better way to torment you? You'd agree, wouldn't you."

Avery, enduring the surging pain in her stomach, whispered faintly, "Jacob, do you think you might regret treating me so wantonly and tormenting me one day?"

"I only know that I find pleasure in your pain."


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