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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90 Unexpected Encounters

"Miss Adams, shall I escort you inside?" John maintained his respectful demeanor towards her.

"No need. I'm waiting for my friend. She's on her way."

From a distance, Avery spotted a woman in a red fur coat, looking like a flamingo. She was wearing nude stockings and high heels.

Avery suddenly didn't want to admit to knowing her. She hadn't expected her friend to arrive late and change outfits in the car.

Isabella, accompanied by a gust of fragrant breeze, came over with exaggerated sunglasses. Avery turned and said, "No, I mistook someone else. I'll go in first."

"Avy, wait for me!"

In her high heels, she walked up to John, took off her sunglasses, and glared at him. "Did you upset Avy again?"

John never commented on a woman's attire but at this moment...

"Do you think the Treasure Pavilion is a nightclub? Dressing like this for a disco?"

Isabella had a fiery personality, and she already harbored resentment towards Jacob. Seeing John, his lackey, made her even more annoyed.

"If you die, I'll definitely dress like this and go disco-dancing on your grave."

John couldn't be bothered to argue with a woman. "Come with me."

Isabella took out the invitation and looked proud. "No need. I have a reserved seat."


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