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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93 Lose

Isabella was full of hatred, unable to bear such a despicable person in the world. She lowered her voice and said, "Isn't stealing her man and becoming Mrs. Hill enough for you?"

Layla sneered, "If it weren't for her, I would have married Jacob long ago. She stole what belonged to me."

"Miss White, your shamelessness truly deserves recognition in the Guinness World Records. I guarantee that for the next hundred years, no one will be able to surpass your record. I used to think my shamelessness was quite remarkable, but I can't help but feel inferior compared to you. After all, your shamelessness goes beyond anyone, past or present."

"Isabella, I advise you to speak to me more politely," Layla threatened with crossed arms.

"You're getting agitated!" Isabella had always been able to make people furious.

"Now, I don't think it's me who is agitated." Isabella remained indifferent, contrasting sharply with Avery, who was in the midst of turmoil.

Avery had already raised the price to one billion. Jacob knew her bottom line; he only needed to add another 20 million to secure the Adams Mansion successfully.

Seeing no paddle raised by Jacob, Rudolf tentatively asked, "Is anyone else willing to bid?"

"One billion once."

Jacob's phone vibrated incessantly in his pocket.

"One billion twice."

Isabella also held her breath. It was no longer just a competition for the Su mansion but a contest over Jacob's heart between two women.

His phone vibrated once again.

"One billion..."

Rudolf had lifted the hammer, and Jacob spoke coldly, "One billion and 20 million."

Avery's body trembled lightly; she knew she had lost, utterly defeated.

Layla raised the corners of her mouth in a victorious smile. Condescendingly, she told Isabella, "As I said, Jacob will give me whatever I want."


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