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Rejected My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 16

Rachel POV

One Week Later

"I think you really should let me put your hair up at least partially. In case, you know," Bella mimed throwing up, "It has been happening a lot lately."

I laughed easily because she was right. Morning sickness was troubling me more than expected. I still had dizzy spells and was forced to keep a tight check on my diet, but my whole life had changed in a week.

Joy was my constant companion.

"Go ahead! I'll just sit here and pretend I'm at the salon."

Sitting on the couch, I turned so Bella could reach my hair. She and I were around the same size which had come in handy in the past when sharing clothes.

Our mothers had joked we only became friends to double our wardrobes.

I missed my mother terribly. Tears prickled my eyes and I sniffed at the sudden realization my mother would never see my child.

"Seriously? You're crying? You're going to give Salon Bella a bad name! Stop right this instant!"

"The hormones are getting to me! Salon Bella is providing excellent service. Does the salon offer cosmetic assistance too?"

I really didn't want to go do my makeup. Standing in the bathroom for any length of time made me feel ill. My suspicion was the room had poor airflow with only a small window which didn't open.

Bella tugged my hair gently, "Needy much? You're lucky you're my favorite customer. Plus, I do not want you going on camera looking like a ghost."

I grinned, "I know, right? I didn't think it was possible for me to look so white. I was born with a natural golden tan!"

All the morning sickness in combination with the problems I was experiencing with my blood pressure caused me to look pale, almost ashen, all the time. Fatigue wore on me often, but I worked my way through it by focusing on the positives in my life.

Of which there were many!

"I can't believe they're doing a press conference."

"I can't believe it's taken this long for you to realize you're a superstar!" Bella cheered as she fetched her cosmetic bag from the bathroom, "Did you check the numbers on YouTube recently? You've gone over 100 million views on the proposal video!"

"I haven't checked. I don't want to let it go to my head!"

I laughed, but I was telling the truth about trying to avoid becoming too impressed with myself. My natural confidence had returned in full force since I'd rejected Tyler. Living with Bella allowed me a freedom of expression I had lost for the full three years of my mating.

I felt slight guilt Bella was delaying moving in with her mate, Jack, but they were both being supportive of me above their own needs.

"Enjoy it! Girl, you are on fire! Flame on!"

Bella was the world's best cheerleader.

I cheered alongside her as I thought on all those people listening to me sing.

My performance at Blue Diamond had been magical for me because it hadn't been planned. All I put out there was myself: only me and nothing else.

Feeling accepted, embraced, even adored by millions of people made me feel vindicated for every hour I'd spent composing music alone physically and mentally.

My mate hadn't wanted me. My father hadn't wanted me. My first love had been taken from me by the cruelty of fate.

Music had been my only outlet and finally I could prove to the world I was a true musician!

"Do you think I should wear something more flashy? I don't look too fiery," I admitted.

I had left my designer clothes with Tyler. My wardrobe was helped with Bella's due to her generosity of spirit, but I didn't have anything I would consider attention-getting.

#Chapter 16 Singer, Songwriter, Star! 1


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