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Rejecting Your Rejection novel Chapter 11

'I always love to see your pretty face, my dear.'

"Oh, moon goddess!"

he mimics her voice with a shriek

"Is that all you have to say when you're about to die" he look at her sternly

"You can hear my thought" she tries to hide her embarrassment.

"No, but you were practically screaming out loud when that rogue was about to rip you apart," she smiles with gritted teeth at him. Jem says as his look-alike who saves her came from behind him

"Today is your lucky day dear, next time I think you have to kiss your mate goodbye if this side is under attack again," his voice in affirmative, he was not childish as Jem.

"wait! are you saying-"

"was under attack while you were busy cleaning your precious of a cafe," he cut her off and she glares at him

"first off this is a neutral territory and the council hasn't mind link out any warning, secondly this is not my PRECIOUS cafe." She folded her arms turning to the other side like a child.

"Childish much, I see why he needs a babysitter near you" his last words were in a low whisper that Daniella who was busy feeling embarrassed couldn't even hear him.

"Oh come on Kyle stop harassing the poor girl" Jem jabs his brother on the shoulder.

"Dani this is my brother Kyle and please don't mind him" rolling her eyes she took a step towards her car.

"Thank you again for saving me"

she grins at Kyle who was quick enough to snap the Rogues head before he murders her there with cold blood minutes ago. Another car pulls over in front of the restaurant she turns to find Kiev "Hey Ella" Kiev strides towards her then crushing her into a bear hug

"glad you okay."

The boys in seeing this groan with irritation "this girl has so many names and almost knows all of our werewolf race."

"Hey that's not true I only know him and my family" she pouted in complain.

Kyle turns to walk towards the other side, Jem stay rooted beside her with his arms around himself

"oh, I almost forgot Kiev, Jem. Jem this is Kiev a-" Jem interrupt her "I know him" he ignore Kiev's hand that reaches out to shake his

"is the coast clear Kyle?" he calls to his brother who replied with a yes.

He turns back to Kiev "stay away from us" his growl thundering that it almost has blown her away if she was only a sheet of paper.


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