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Rejecting Your Rejection novel Chapter 24

'Watching you was tortuous but I think I can live with that.'

Kiev came and took her the next day, he told her that his aunt Evelyn who lives in the Crescent pack wants to meet her at the cafe she uses to work at. They were a kind of quarrel in the morning when he came to pick her up as she didn't know he has an aunt and she wasn't prepared to meet her.

They never talked to each other on their way until they arrived at the cafe, where at the corner sat Ms. Cringe, the type who was more than ready to murder her with their words and opinions.

When she saw them both she has a big grin on her face her hands going around Kiev hugging him. Yet that smile was for Kiev alone as when her eyes met hers she frowns pulling away from him then sat back down on the chair. She nervously smiles sitting down next to Kiev opposite her.

"Aunt Eve, I would like you to meet my fiancée Daniella" she took a sip of her black coffee "and when do you two intend to marry"

"well, we haven't thought of the date yet as we're still just young and-"

"gosh," she obviously cut her off. "Are you kidding me" she rolls her eyes at the two of them. "Who in their right mind in our race would propose and expected to be married after 3 years"

Daniella was to say something but again Evelyn stops her before she could say anything else.

"Did you have a Mate?"

"yes I did" she took a sip again of her coffee "poor soul, is he an Alpha?"

"No" she lies.

Turning beside her she saw Kiev tighten his hold and she knew that he didn't like her answer. Evelyn's phone rang she answer it before putting it down and ready to be gone somewhere.

"Schedule your wedding from four weeks now" Evelyn took her by surprise "I'm sorry but-"

"No, but dear, four weeks from now on... Go on prepare everything time is ticking children" and she left them there.

"What the hell was that?"

Kiev whisper yell at her which makes her wolf growl a little more felt threatened by his tone at him. Daniella's wolf never resurfaced since she accepted Kiev as her boyfriend. Hani her wolf totally shut her off but surprisingly she just reacts just because Kiev seems to be a threat.

"Look I'm sorry but you know Eve is just my only family and you seem to disrespect her which hurt me the most" he took her hands into his making her wolf shut her out again.

"I didn't disrespect her, did you really have to listen to what your aunt is saying"

"Are you saying you don't want to marry me?"


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