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Rejecting Your Rejection novel Chapter 39

'Sometimes we need to tell all about our demons in order to move forward and live our life peacefully without constraints.'

“Hey babe, are you alright?” Dante asks Daniella while taking off the duvet and cuddle her, then pulling it over covering both of them. He smooths out her hair with his fingers waiting for her to reply.

“Yeah I’m fine now” she snuggles closer to him on his chest “Zoe and I are cool now, no grudges against each other. All is in the past now”

He chuckles at that “I’m glad you guys did” he kisses her forehead.

Even when Daniella have already made amendments with Zoe yet there was still something that was heavily imprinted in her mind. One of the things that keep haunting her and giving her a mental shutdown whenever someone tries to get physical with her. It was one of the reasons why she keeps on hating Dante when he asks for another chance.

Dante felt Daniella’s hold on his shirt tighten, he felt that there was something off about it “Dani” she doesn’t respond. “Dani, babe” he whispers her name again this time his shirt was wet from the drops of her tears.

Instantly he sat right up pulling her with him only to find her eyes closes as tears drop from it. He wipes it off with his thumps tilting her chin up to level her closed eyes with his.

“Please babe, tell me what’s wrong?” he caresses her cheek “please Dani” he began to beg her.

Her eyes slowly open she interlocks it with his “Dante, I’m sorry for being weak” he continues to caress her cheeks. “No you’re not, please Dani don’t think like that” he rested his forehead with hers. Tell me, what’s going on with that pretty mind of yours.”

She held his face into her hands “promise me you won’t get mad” she sobs “please promise whatever I tell you just let it all go and don’t you even dare blame yourself for it. Please baby for me please.” He raises her fingers to his lips and kisses it “I promise” he says.


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