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Revenge After Death (Michael and Stephanie) novel Chapter 105

Chapter 105 

As I walked into the lobby of Landing Hotel, I saw Ann and that scumbag, Kelvin, cozying up to each 


I rolled my eyes. A scumbag and a bitch, what a perfect match

Ah, Stephany, you’re here!A former classmate approached me enthusiastically. We heard you got married. Where’s your husband? Is he not with you today?” 

I kept quiet and walked to the resting area. Is everyone here?” 

Stephany, we heard you married into money, specifically the eldest son of the Lincolns. We all agreed to bring our spouses, but youDoes Mr. Lincoln dislike you? Or are you too ashamed to bring him out?The same former classmate intentionally mocked me

These people were so annoying. I was frequently bullied and hurt by these people in my past life. If I faced the same humiliation without resisting this time, then I deserved all my previous suffering 

As they said, it was hard to change one’s character. But I had been through such a major ordeal. I should know better by now

Humans were generally cowards who bullied the weak and buttered up to the powerful

They’d just 

These people saw me as a pushover. They wouldn’t stop just because I compromised once. They’d 

escalate the bullying further

You may be free, but why should I bring my husband here just so you could see him? He’s very busy. It’s our class reunion, so why are you more interested in seeing my husband? Do you want to be his 


That’s possible, given that the Lincolns are rich. They can afford to feed another mouth. It depends on how morally depraved you are.” 

I lounged on the couch and looked at my former classmate as I spoke coolly

She was stunned by my response and remained shocked in her disbelief for quite some time

She opened her mouth a few times but ended up swallowing her insults. After a while, she said, Stephanyyou really think marrying a Lincoln has made you into something, huh? You really think we don’t know what’s going on in the Lincoln family?” 

That’s right, you’re still so arrogant. Ha, we know they bought you to be a babymaker for the Lincolns.Another former classmate joined in to mock me

I pretended to be shocked. Babymaker? Your mom went through so much to give birth to you, yet you regard her as your family’s babymaker? You’re so unfilial. Aren’t you afraid of God’s judgment?” 

This person was stunned by my response too

Ann, who was observing these exchanges in Kelvin’s embrace, frowned. She whispered to Kelvin, Dot 

Charles 105 

you feel likeshe’s changed?” 

It seemed like people had begun to notice that I was no longer the same Stephany

Kelvin said sarcastically, She probably thinks she has the upper hand now that she’s a Lincoln.” 

Mrs, Miranda is here,” 


Miranda Patel appeared in the private room looking weak. She was sitting in a wheelchair, and her face was pale

She still had a kind smile. My sixth sense was rightthis teacher was a good person

Unfortunately, the sad truth was that good people usually didn’t live long lives. Instead, they usually had to endure the pain and torture of sickness

Miranda looked a little swollen from the advancement of the cancer

I really didn’t expectto see so many of you. I’m old, and my body is getting weaker. I wanted to see you all before dying. So many of my studentsIt mustn’t have been easy to gather everyone together, Miranda said sailingly as she gestured for us to sit

The reason I organized this gathering is not only because my health is failing and I wanted to see you. I also wanted to talk about that murderer I’ve been hearing about recently. He’s killed so many 

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