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Revenge After Death (Michael and Stephanie) novel Chapter 215

Chapter 215 

I glanced at Rachel helplessly. A bad thing never dies. Is Yasmin finally gone? If she passes away, I’ll celebrate with fireworks.” 

Rachel stood upstairs, letting out a sigh. Besides acting, what other skills does she possess? She’s exceptionally intelligent. She desires to consistently keep Michael indebted to her.” 

Sure enough, even Rachel could see through Yasmin

Zion and Rachel descended the stairs, and we proceeded to the hospital together. Zion appeared with an unshaven face, giving off an air of slight disarray 

Rachel complained softly, I think you look more like a homeless man than Steven does, but you’re 

not as goodlooking as Steven.” 

Zion glared at Rachel. How rude!” 

With a smile on her face, Rachel hopped into Zion’s car

Michael was finally conscious, and his words were crucial for advancing this case. They had to uncover the events leading to his stabbing, determine what transpired, and establish if Simon was the perpetrator. Obtaining his testimony was of utmost importance

A few of us hurried upstairs, but we were prevented from entering the ward. Phil raised the 

cordon and looked at Zion in embarrassment. Officer Landon, the new officer is here. He’s instructed us to prevent anyone else from accessing the area

It was clear that the new officer had anticipated Zion’s arrival, with the rest of us merely being the anyone else he referred to

Eason?Zion frowned and stormed in with frustration. I want to find out what happened that 


In the ward, a man in a black suit was standing with his back to the door. When Zion entered, he didn’t even look back. In a stern tone, he stated, Officer Landon, due to your unprofessional behavior, you are no longer in charge of this case.” 

Zion’s face contorted into a deep frown as he tightly clenched his fists

Although the man didn’t look back, I could already sense his profound arrogance, as if he held himself above everyone else

While traveling here, I looked up Eason on Google, who was previously known as Hudson but later changed his name to Eason. He achieved third place in the exam for the advanced class. He joined the advanced class at the age of 15, which was one year older than Steven and Simeon

score of 700 

Steven discovered the errors and inaccuracies of the question maker in the mathematics 

competition questions. He went above and beyond by providing answers from both approaches, resulting in him receiving an extra six points

On the other hand, if Simeon had presented his answers with more elegant handwriting, he would have achieved the same score as Steven. Unfortunately, due to his extremely messy handwriting. six points were deducted from Simeon’s final score

As for Eason, he scored 367 points. This should be the difference that Steven mentioned

The entrance exam for the advanced class was quite challenging, with a total of 700 points. Despite the challenging nature of the test, a minimum score of 300 points was all that was required to qualify

Nevertheless, given the vast number of children participating nationwide, only 14 managed to surpass the 300point threshold

Furthermore, it was even more astounding to discover the significant disparity between the 

scores of third place and those of first and second place. That was also why Double Stars Welfare 

Home gained nationwide recognition, as it had nurtured two extraordinary geniuses

The presence of Steven and Simeon made the other 12 Individuals in the advanced class appear 


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