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Revenge is Best Served After Reborn (James) novel Chapter 12

Colt couldn't help but ask, “Mr. Burke, about Mrs. Burke…”

“Why don’t you accompany her and ensure she doesn’t cause trouble like last time?”

James knew that Sophie often attended parties. Someone like her, who didn’t understand finance, was really just there to pass the time.

As long as she didn’t squander money recklessly like before, it would be fine.

Meanwhile, Sophie watched as Colt approached her. Just as Colt was wondering how to start the conversation, Sophie asked, “Is he with Nichole now?”

“Ma'am, Ms. Nichole is a key talent our company is grooming, so…”

“I understood.”

Sophie seemed to be quite concerned about James and Nichole.

Colt breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that the lady had changed somewhat from before.

Nichole, who was by James’ side, was engaging confidently in conversation with several business moguls, all of whom Sophie noticed.

Although Nichole had good grades in school, she was still just a student. Her knowledge hardly impressed these seasoned business veterans, who only complimented her to stay in James’ good graces.

Soon, Nichole found herself in a difficult position facing an elderly magnate. If Sophie remembered correctly, this man was a financial tycoon from a foreign country.

The only issue was that the tycoon spoke only his native language and no other foreign languages. His translator was now absent.

“Mr. Burke…” Nichole bit her lip and glanced at James.

As James was pondering how to alleviate the awkwardness, Sophie approached and conversed fluently with the tycoon in his language.


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