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Revenge is Best Served After Reborn (James) novel Chapter 17

"Do you have something urgent to take care of soon?"

"Nothing really important."

"You don't need to drop me off. I can get back on my own."

"Devonport may seem calm, but it's dangerous, especially since you're James' wife."

Sophie raised an eyebrow. "Colby, James isn't like you. He's a legitimate businessman."

Colby said indifferently, "In a place mixed with all sorts of business, even James might not be clean."

Sophie didn't argue against Colby's words.

In her past life, she had been married to James for many years, and James never involved her in the Burke family's affairs.

On the surface, James was a legitimate businessman, but how could a man wielding absolute power in Devonport be entirely clean?

Perhaps James hid it deeper, and Colby didn't bother to hide. After all, rumors had it that Colby had no weaknesses.

"Ms. Sophie, we've arrived."

Adler parked the car in front of the grand entrance of the Burke family mansion. The lights of the Burke residence were still off, meaning that James hadn't returned yet.

"Thank you, Colby, and thank you, Adler."

Sophie got out of the car.

Colby watched as Sophie entered the gates of the Burke family mansion before rolling up the window, saying to Adler, "Let's go."

"Did you finally remember we had to leave now? Did you forget you had a deal with Ryan at midnight?"

Adler glanced at the time. "And you're already late!"

"Then let him wait," Colby replied coldly. "If that bastard doesn't bring the goods, I'll chop off one of his hands."

Meanwhile, just as Sophie pushed open the door to the house, she sensed something was off.

Marian knew she was afraid of the dark. Normally, she would leave a light on in the living room, but now, it was totally dark.

"James? Are you back?"

There was no response for a long time.

Realizing something was wrong, Sophie was about to leave when suddenly a large hand covered her mouth.

"The hell with you, you bitch! You've cost me everything!"

Sophie tried to break free, but the man was too strong. In her struggle, she managed to pull out a lighter from her purse and set it on the man's wrist.

The man recoiled in pain, stumbling back several steps, and Sophie immediately dashed for the door.

James! James! She kept calling his name in her heart.

As she ran, she took out her phone and dialed James' number.


"James! Where are you? You need to come home! There's someone in the house..."


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