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Revenge is Best Served After Reborn (James) novel Chapter 2

Sophie lowered her own status, not just in society but in her own esteem as well.

Marian spoke with difficulty, "But he might prefer this white dress..."

Ignoring Marian's desperate hints, Sophie remained indifferent.

"This one," Sophie said coolly. "Throw away all those white dresses. I don't like them."


Faced with Sophie's command, Marian sighed deeply but eventually complied.

Sophie looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was still stunningly beautiful, but she knew that in a few years, James would have worn her down to a shadow of her former self.

Before that happened, she was determined to end it all.

In the evening, Sophie wore a wine-red mermaid dress with a trailing skirt that perfectly accentuated her curvaceous figure. Her makeup was impeccable, and her hair was styled in soft French curls, adding an air of gentle sophistication. A beauty mark below her eye enhanced her allure, making her appear like a portrait too sacred to be tainted.

From a distance, a man in a white shirt and long leather boots watched the scene, a cigarette hanging from his lips. His voice was somber, "Who is she?"

"Colby, you don't know her? That's Sophie Russell, daughter of the Russell family and James’ new bride!" Adler, the playboy following Colby, exclaimed excitedly. "I just saw that scumbag James walking in with another woman. We might just witness a dramatic showdown between the mistress and the wife! I'm already thrilled!"

There was no response from Colby.

Adler clicked his tongue. "But really, James’ taste is questionable. He left a bombshell like Sophie for a skinny nobody. Don't you think so, Colby?"

Turning around, Adler realized Colby was no longer there.


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