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Revenge is Best Served After Reborn (James) novel Chapter 27

James spent the night at the hospital with Nichole, and suddenly received a call from Colt in the morning. He furrowed his brows and asked, "What entrance exam?"

“Mr. Burke, the school administration called today and mentioned seeing Mrs. Burke’s name on the list of entrance exam candidates. They wanted to check with you if she had informed you.”

James vividly remembered that Sophie was out shopping with his mother the previous evening. When had she signed up for an exam?

“Got it.”

After he hung up, James’ expression remained troubled. What was Sophie up to now?

“Mr. Burke, was that the school on the phone? Maybe I should head back to class,” Nichole suggested, having woken up without James noticing.

“I’ve already spoken with Colt and the school. You rest up in the hospital today. The call wasn’t about you, anyway.”

“What was it about then?” Nichole asked, puzzled.

James was only known to assist one student at the college, which was her.

“It’s about Sophie,” James replied, massaging his temples. “I need to make a quick trip back. You stay and rest.”

Nichole nodded obediently.

Once James had left, Nichole murmured to herself, “Sophie? What does she have to do with the school?”

Meanwhile, Sophie was leisurely strolling through the Eastwood College campus. Being James’ wife, she was accompanied by the dean and vice dean, who eagerly showcased the college’s educational facilities and picturesque landscapes.


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