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Revenge is Best Served After Reborn (James) novel Chapter 35

"Jessica, the youngest in the Fisher family must be almost forty by now, right? The Fishers always seem to have a thing for second marriages, but that’s not my cup of tea.”

Sophie didn’t consider Jessica’s feelings at all.

Jessica, predictably, glared at Sophie. Perry quickly intervened, suggesting Jessica tone it down a bit.

“Sophie, don’t stoop to Jessica’s level. She’s just worried you might be getting the short end of the stick here.”

With Perry stepping in, Sophie softened a bit.

Jessica wasn’t much older than Sophie, strikingly glamorous and seductive. After divorcing his first wife, Perry had married Jessica, who was seen as nothing more than a mistress by the Russell family.

Ironically, Perry was very fond of Jessica, so his family also showed her some respect due to his feelings.

However, Jessica always seemed to clash with Sophie. In her past life, Sophie had tolerated Jessica for Perry's sake, but a few years later, when the Russell family fell into financial trouble, Jessica kicked Perry to the curb and took off with his wealth.

This time around, Sophie was not about to hold back.

“Sophie, Jessica’s words may be harsh, but this is the Russell family’s gathering. You two just got married a month ago. He should be here.” A distant relative of the Russell family chimed in.

“Yeah, why not give him a call? We can wait a bit longer.”

The others quickly agreed.

Sophie knew exactly what they were after. The Russell family owned extensive properties, and these people were just looking to take advantage of the family gathering to vie for a business deal with James.

“If it’s too much trouble for you, Sophie, I can make the call on your behalf. After all, we’re all family here, and sooner or later, you'll have to meet.” Jessica waited eagerly to see Sophie embarrassed.

Everyone in Devonport knew that Sophie and James’ marriage was just a business arrangement. James didn’t truly care for Sophie, and everyone remembered how she used to follow him around like a puppy.


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