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Revenge is Best Served After Reborn (James) novel Chapter 8

"Where did you get the money?"

Ten billion wasn't a small sum, and James was well aware of the limited assets that the Russell family could mobilize. It was impossible for her to come up with such a large amount of money so quickly.

"This is my own business, so you don't need to worry about it."

"Sophie, don't forget that I am your husband."

Sophie let out a self-deprecating laugh.


James had always considered that a disgrace. When did he suddenly remember that he was her husband?

"You're just worried because you're afraid that I'll lose this ten billion and drag down the Burke family."

James was silent.

Seeing his reaction, Sophie knew she had guessed right. "Don't worry, I won't involve the Burke family in this. I am well aware that our marriage is a business alliance. Your success is mine, and your losses are mine, too. Now, you don't need to make three trips a day to the house."

James was speechless. He had indeed thought this way, which is why he had been so cold to Sophie after their marriage. He had not even slept with her once.

However, hearing these words from Sophie suddenly made him realize he’s going too far.

James was about to say something when Sophie’s phone suddenly beeped. It was a notification for a money transfer.

She hadn’t expected Colby to be so quick. In just an hour, eight billion had been transferred.

With the matter resolved, a smile spread across Sophie's face.

James pursed his lips. He suddenly remembered how Sophie used to follow him around with that same smile, but he had never cared.

"There's a gala tonight. You should come with me."

"Me?" Sophie was about to head upstairs but frowned.


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