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Revenge On My First Love novel Chapter 173

Sophia was too upset to reply to him. However, she needed to finish the work.

Passing the contract to him, she explained, "This is a share transfer from the Frost family. I took 4% and left the rest 6% to you. If it's OK for you, sign the contract and release their cargo."

Drake stared at the contract. 'She would never have taken the initiative to see me if it weren't for this contract, right?'

"Have you made the decision already?" he asked.

Sophia didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"All right. I'll sign it." Drake picked up his pen and signed.

When Sophia took over the contract, she panicked. Somehow, she had a lot of words but got a lump in her throat.

In the end, she uttered, "I gotta go. See you."

Drake watched her receding back, wondering if she meant "see you around" or "see you never".

After the contract took effect, Drake quickly released the Frost family's cargo.

The Frosts had suffered a significant loss this time. Earlier, they lost several million dollars. In addition to the transferred shares, their loss reached almost a billion.

Therefore, the Frost family had no energy to do something against Sophia's company for a while.

Seething with rage, Rhett called his wife. "Listen to me carefully. Keep an eye on your daughter. If I suffer a loss because of her again, I will sell her to the person who could help us."

"What are you talking about, Rhett? Paula is our daughter."

"I said so because she's my daughter. She let me suffer such a big loss. If I hadn't given Sophia Lawson our company shares, would our family have survived this time?"

Mrs. Frost didn't know many things about the business field, but she could tell how severe the consequences were from how sad her husband looked.

"OK. I got it."

After ending the call, Mrs. Frost wanted to talk to Paula and give her a reminder.

Much to her surprise, she failed to find her daughter at home.

Therefore she called Paula. "Hello, Paula? Where are you? Why aren't you home?"

"I went for a trip, Mom. I'm dealing with something important."

Mrs. Frost sensed something wrong. "Where have you gone?"

"No worries, Mom. I'll go home after finishing it."

"Paula, you..."

"All right. I gotta go. Bye, Mom." Paula hung up.

When Mrs. Frost called her again, Paula refused to answer the call. Therefore, Mrs. Frost had to send her a voice message and pass on Rhett's message.

Paula listened to the message but didn't reply. In her opinion, if she could win Noah's heart, her father would be pleased for sure.

She left home and went to Sealand to find Noah.

However, when she found him, she saw him with Sophia. Paula burst into anger.

Before she strode toward them, she overheard their conversation and slowed down.

"Noah, as I said, please go home."

"Didn't you say you'd finish dealing with the matters here soon? I can wait for you and return home with you."

Sophia looked at him helplessly. "Why do you have to do this? Noah, even if we returned home together, we wouldn't get married."


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