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Revenge On My First Love novel Chapter 186

Sophia thought about it and said, "Then just get a place for them, and I'll do the rest."

"That's fine!"

Emma was happy that Drake could do something for Sophia.

Drake happened to walk in. Emma quickly walked to him. "Drake, you are finally here. We're talking about what happened these days. Sophia's parents may come over. You have so many houses, so just pick a good one for them to live in."

Drake's gaze fell on Sophia and he thought, 'Her parents are coming?'

Sophia nodded. After all, her identity would be exposed sooner or later.

"That's right. I can't refuse Ms. Glass, so please help me do it."

"I thought you would turn to Noah."

Drake's tone was jealous.

Emma froze at first and then smiled. "Drake, I didn't expect you would believe what the media wrote."

Drake thought, 'Isn't it obvious? They looked quite intimate in the picture.'

But he didn't say anything. Emma kept a smile and said to Sophia, "He is a jealous type. Sophia, don't take it seriously!"

Drake looked at Emma and said, "Mom, don't you think she's favoring Noah?"

"No. I've also read that article and I don't think Sophia did it willingly."

Before Drake could say something, Emma pulled Sophia away.

Drake noticed Aria's gaze and asked, "What do you think of it?"

"I don't know, but I feel Sophia doesn't like that man."

Then, Drake was being jealous.

Anyway, in his opinion, Sophia and Noah ate dinner together and even their intimate photos were taken, which greatly annoyed Drake.

When eating, Emma was simply nicer to Sophia than to her biological children.

"Eat more, Sophia. You're too thin!"

Sophia also helped Aria with the dishes. "So do you!"

Emma did the same thing. If it was the usual time, Aria certainly would not accept it. But today, unknowingly, Aria didn't refuse.

Emma looked at Aria, surprised that she was not rejected by Aria.

But with a glance at Sophia, Emma understood.

After eating, Emma said with a smile, "Sophia, it's so late. You can leave your car here and have Drake give you a ride home. I'll drive it to you tomorrow!"

"No, I can go back myself..."

Before Sophia could finish her words, she realized what Emma wanted to do, so she nodded. "Okay, Ms. Glass!"

After saying goodbye to Emma, Drake left with Sophia.

Aria said, "With your help, Drake always gets chances to stay with Sophia. If he still can't get Sophia, he's too incapable!"

Emma looked at Aria incredulously, "Aria, you're finally willing to talk to me now."

Only then did Aria figure out what was going on.

She turned her head to look at Emma and left with a snort.

With a smile on her lips, Emma was very happy.

Anyway, Aria took the initiative to talk to her.

They still have a long time to get closer to each other.


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