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Rush into Your Heart novel Chapter 7

Sooner or later, Wilson had to choose a woman to marry. Sofia Pai didn't seem to annoy him; if there was to be a person in that room, it might be the right choice. It was better than meeting those women that he hated.

Wilson wanted to seize the chance to talk with Sofia in person and confirm the matter. However, as soon as he left the study room, a phone call from a friend urged him to help.

"Thank you for last night. I didn't know that your mom was there, sorry, if that caused her to misunderstand, I could explain." Sofia stood in the corridor while feeling embarrassed; he seemed to be very busy. He even did so many things on weekends.

"I accept your thanks. You will have a chance to pay back when the time comes." Sofia didn't understand what Wilson meant at that time.

Okay! It was the first time Sofia had ever encountered such a situation. Sofia also didn't like to owe others' favors.

Sofia stood upstairs while watching him leaving. Wilson seemed to think of something while walking towards the door; he suddenly turned around and looked upstairs. Then Wilson saw that Sofia was wearing the cream color windbreaker he had chosen. The white sweater inside was also suitable for her. Suddenly, he felt a strange feeling in his heart, but he hid it quickly.

"I will call you later." Before Sofia figured out why he would call her at night, Wilson had left the place. Mama Wu, who was busy in the kitchen, laughed when she heard what Wilson said. It looked like Wilson had realized, this girl looked polite, kind-hearted, and humble; she was a good match for Wilson.

Of course, Sofia didn't know what they were thinking about, She just believed that the dress fabric was excellent, and the sweater was warm and cozy.

Sofia grabbed her purse and said goodbye to Mama Wu. Sofia had messed up the blind date; if Leann knew, she would be furious. But at this time, all she worried about was her father, who was lying in the hospital bed.

"Why are you rushing? Come often in the future, only young master Yun lives here, the house feels cold and cheerless, but when you are here, the house suddenly becomes lively." Sofia laughed, but she was thinking inside her heart, in the future? She felt that she wouldn't come to this house anymore. She wouldn't come again after she had returned the favor she owed.

After she left the villa, Sofia went back to the hospital again; she met the nurse from the day before at the entrance.

"If you don't have money, you should take the person out of here as soon as possible so that you won't be in the way here."

In the hospital ward, the head nurse looked at Sofia and ordered someone to get rid of her and her things from the room.

Someone pushed Sofia, she didn't stand firm and fell to the ground. When she was getting up, she heard a loud laugh.

When Sofia looked up, she saw the last person she hated the most, Wendy Pai.

"Ckckck! Isn't this Sofia who used to be spoiled in Pai's Family all the time? Why do you become like this now? Indeed, it serves you right."

Sofia stood up but didn't want to pay any attention to her mockery. As she was getting up, a foot stepped on her bag.

Chapter 7 A Cheap Person Is In Power 1

Chapter 7 A Cheap Person Is In Power 2

Chapter 7 A Cheap Person Is In Power 3


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