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Scheming Colonel: come back to me novel Chapter 8

Ian Sean signed his name on the paper hard. Then he dropped the pen and got up to leave: "Don't disturb me before the show starts."

The man just left this cold sentience and walked away.

What the hell?

Erin Maine was confused. After picking up the contract, she saw that the words of his signature on it almost penetrated the paper.

"What's wrong with him?" Erin murmured and called her assistant: "Please contact Miss Nie Suhuan's agent who just returned--"

Suddenly she paused and glanced out of the floor-to-ceiling window unconsciously. She could only see that the armored off-road had gone away completely. Erin suddenly regretted that she didn't ask Ian about his contact information just now.

"Tell Miss Nie that we are planning for the HC live broadcast platform and invite her to participate in our reality show."

Erin hung up the phone and began to be prepared for the final planning of the reality show.

On the other side, Nie Suhuan was lying on her back on the chaise lounge, her slim and white hands were being carefully served for her nails, and her agent Li Zewei told her about Erin's words, then Nie Suhuan opened her eyes.

"Should I go?"

"Of course, why not?" Nie Suhuan raised her hand and looked her hand closely. "A rare springboard, you know, the Sean family only has the power of the military. I don't think he can help me in the entertainment industry... "

"But--" Li Zewei was embarrassed. He twisted his eyebrows and worried: "But Erin Maine is said to be Ian's ex-wife."

Nie Suhuan's eyes narrowed, then a few invisible chills flooded her eyes: "Ian told me that they are divorced."

"This kind of rumor should be prevented as much as possible. After all, Erin Maine is the director of this reality show." Li Zewei lowered his voice. "Don't let her make troubles for you, because they have been together for three years."

Three years...

Nie Suhuan replied coldly: "Ian is by my side now, if they love each other, they will not be divorce when I come back."

Li Zewei just wanted to explain something, but he stopped. Nie Suhuan looked at her hands then suddenly became angry. Her voice was cold: "Why is it so ugly? Redo it!"

The time passed quickly, only half a month, all the artists who were willing to participate in the reality show were adjusted to their schedule. Erin also kept the promise, in addition to letting the assistant notify Ian to attend the meeting today, she did not talk to him again.

"Everything is ready at the venue." The assistant gestured.

Erin nodded briefly and said to the stars who were in preparation for the final makeup: "There are five minutes left. Please hurry up."

The activity today was just a brief start-up ceremony. Erin just went through the process, confirmed, and explained matters to everyone.

Erin stood on the stage and everyone was keen on the event. She took a deep breath and took the microphone: "Good morning everyone."

After a little applause, Erin smiled: "Before we start, I need to find out who else is not there?"

Chapter 8: What's Wrong With Him 1


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