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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate novel Chapter 537

Giovanni looked up for a moment, a dark frown on his face. "Speak," he ordered.

"We've literally searched everywhere in the city but we can't find Richard," the man revealed, with a little fear.

Giovanni grunted. He didn't even know how he was supposed to feel. In fact, he couldn't even inform his elders about it because what Richard was doing was top secret.

But at the stage that he currently was, knowing fully well that it was Grey that took Richard, Giovanni was ready to do all it takes to get him back.

And that was the main reason why he brought forth the secretary's plan. The Secretary would be ae to reach a part in Grey's life and so, help Richard escape.

Though, he had no idea what had happened to Richard or what Grey had discovered so far.

Fuck! If Grey used the weapon against him, it won't be good at all.

Even though Richard was yet to even discover the perfect steps for the recipe, he was still worried. Grey was a very intelligent guy. It won't be difficult for him.

Though, the news has taken up Aphrodite's sickness. Grey had been disturbed that he wouldn't have had time for the recipe.

He just had to wish it would soon be intact till the secretary arrived. Nothing must happen to the recipe or Richard. He needed both of them.

He released a sigh and grabbed a cup of alcohol. "Any update on the secretary?"

"Yes, boss. We received a message from one of the elders. Grey has decided on two of them. He planned to have a face-to-face conversation with them before he would decide on the one he wanted," he revealed.

Giovanni thought about it for a moment and nodded once. "Alright, keep me informed."

The men bowed slightly. "Alright boss."

"I want you to plan to break into one of Grey's houses here. It must be where Grey kept Richard," he explained. "Do all your best," he ordered.

If he has the power that was supposed to be in the complete recipe, Giovanni would be able to infiltrate and kill Grey very fast. And he couldn't wait for it.

So, he was going to do what he could.

"How is my son doing?"

"I will send someone to check on him, boss."

Giovanni nodded once. "Alright, arrange a meeting with the chief of police."

"Yes, boss."


Grey didn't leave the estate immediately. He stood behind to speak with the two ladies that he took from Richard's house.

Asides, Richard was still in the basement as well.

He thought that he was going to go straight to business with them after the announcement day but a lot has happened so far.

In fact, at one point, Grey seemed to have forgotten about them.

If Grey hadnt come to his estate to discuss Alex, he might not have remembered. Besides, he still needed to get back to the city that evening because of his dinner reservation with Aphrodite.

"I actually enjoy this place a lot. It's like paradise," a feminine voice said suddenly, just as Grey walked nearer to their room.

"Yes, I'm enjoying this place as well. It wasn't what I expected when we were rescued. But it's a better place."

Grey knocked on the door slightly.

There was a few minutes of silence before the door opened.

"Good afternoon sir," the ladies chorused at the same time.

Grey regarded them for a moment. "Can I take a few minutes out of your time? I need to speak with you right at this moment."


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