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Sentenced to Marriage by MadlainQ novel Chapter 120

His sins

*Trigger Warning* Dear readers, please be aware that the second part of this chapter contains a description of physical abuse and an attempted sexual assault. I was cold, lying on something hard and uncomfortable. The place I was in was lit by nothing more than a few dimly glowing light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. I could barely see anything aside from the concrete floor and walls. My hands were cuffed and chained to a large steel ring that was built into a concrete wall right behind where my head lay. I looked at my body; I was barefoot, wearing nothing but lingerie and something that resembled a white, short, see-through nightgown. I looked around and realized that I was inside the spacious, empty hall of a raw-state building. Through the row of floor-to-ceiling windows, I could see that it was completely dark outside, and since I could see no buildings or trees, I guessed that I must have been on one of the high floors. I pulled the chain enough to sit up, but that was the furthest my restraints would allow me. The skin on my wrists had already been torn by the steel cuffs; it hurt whenever I moved my hands, limiting my movements. I couldn’t even cover myself properly, hissing in pain as I tried to reach for the hem of that see-through cloth I had on me. I was still dizzy from the drug Haskett had given me and not conscious enough to notice him standing in the far corner of the room. Only when I heard his vicious chuckle did I realize he was observing me from the moment I woke up.

“I’m glad you’ve woken up. I was afraid I used too much drug on you and killed you before the real fun started,” he snickered as he approached me. He took off his cap and combed his short brown hair with his fingers. Even from a distance, I could see his golden orbs scanning my skimpy-clothed body and the disgustful grin that curved his mouth. “What’s the meaning of all this?! What the hell do you want from me?! What did you do to my driver?!” I roared despite shivering in fear. An icy chuckle escaped his throat. “I put your driver to sleep, and you’re going to help me with my special project. I set a special scene,” he said, looking around the concrete hall, “and I think that this will be dramatic enough. I even got you a special costume for the occasion.” I glanced at the nightgown and felt chills running down my spine. “What kind of project?” I choked out.

He snorted and crouched down in front of me. “If I can’t kill Aren Lan then you will have to replace him, but I wouldn’t be fully satisfied if he didn’t see how much you suffered in the process.”

My heart started to race in panic. My body was still numb, but the adrenalin fueled my vision, desperate to find a way out. I could hardly see the door on the opposite side of my stone bed, but I also saw lights and camera tripods. “I don’t know what kind of sick idea you have, but you need to know that you won’t get away with this! You know your real name, Haskett!” I shouted, trying to raise my rage above the horror I felt.

Haskett burst into laughter. He stood up and started to clap his hands. “Bravo! Nice try!” he called out mockingly. “But if you really knew who I was, you would know why I was doing this, and, judging by your expression, you know shit.”

He was right. I knew nothing about him aside from his name, which I couldn’t even tell if it wasn’t some kind of nickname of his. Nonetheless, what I could be certain of was that this guy was sick, and I had no intention of finding out what exactly he was planning to do to me. I had

to stall for time. If Haskett had given Benjamin the same drug he used on me, Benjamin might have already woken up. Deep down inside, I prayed that someone would check the surveillance footage and find me. My only chance was to try to talk to that madman standing in front of me. “You are right… I don’t know anything about you. Don’t you think you owe me an explanation? “I asked, praying that my shivering wouldn’t betray how terrified I was. “If… you are going to kill me… don’t I deserve to know why?” He grinned, his eyes examining my curves. “You are right.” He sat next to me and grabbed my chain to pull me closer. “I should introduce myself, right? My name is Ian Haskett. Aren Lan raped and killed my sister, and I am going to make sure you will be treated the same way.”

I froze for a few seconds as my mind tried to deny the meaning of the words I heard. I kept swallowing shallow breaths while my heart raced wildly. “You’re lying! Aren isn’t capable of doing something like that!” I spat. He shook his head, drawing amusement from my shock. As he leaned closer, making me crawl back against the wall, he grabbed the link between my cuffs and pulled my hands above my head. He smirked coldly, pinning my wrists against the concrete. I struggled to free myself, but he overpowered me easily. “He seduced her, violently stripped her purity, and then he broke her; left her to die,” Haskett snarled into my ear. “No… I don’t believe in any of your words!” I roared, tilting my head away from him as far as I could. I tried to kick his legs or ankles, but the drug was still effective enough to weaken my muscles.

Chapter 120 1


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