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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 101

Julian gnashed his teeth with anger when he thought of the days when he and Emelia just got divorced.

Of course, he could easily find his ties, wristwatches, cufflinks, collar clips, and other accessories he often wore in the closet. Regarding housewares, however, the blind search would take much longer.

When he wanted to get himself some water, he rummaged through all the cabinets in the kitchen, trying to find the glass he usually drank from given by Emelia.

When he tried to brew some coffee, he fumbled with the coffee machine for a long time but still couldn't make it taste right.

Emelia liked to keep the house neat and would always declutter timely.

They lived in a pretty big house. One time, Julian got so mad when he couldn't find the thing he was looking for that he kicked over a cupboard right next to him.

Julian was annoyed at Emelia's being selfish. Back then, it was Emelia herself who begged him to marry her.

Now that she had changed her mind, she just brushed him off with one crisp word, "divorce".

She made him look like a fool without any life skills. If she had just a tad bit conscience, she would have primed him with some basic information of the household beforehand.


That heartless woman.

“If this goes on, they may really be a thing. I mean Emelia and Viggo,” Ezra glanced at Julian, his voice gentle.

He continued, "You see, he appreciates her talent and recognizes her ability at work.

"He confessed that he was attracted to her when she was maligned and offered her emotional support.

"When Emelia was sick, he took care of her and even cooked a big meal for her."

"Julian, Viggo is making some good moves on Emelia." Ezra concluded.

Julian froze for a moment, the cigarette in his hand giving off a thin wisp of smoke.

Arthur remained silent before adding solemnly, "Julian, you didn't give Emelia enough love and care. Viggo will easily win her heart by showing so much of those."

Ezra chimed in, "Yeah. Do you know the saying? 'If you love a woman, spoil her until no other man could stand her. Then, she will never leave you.'"

Arthur nodded eagerly, "Yeah, Ezra is right. Take some time to reflect on your behaviors."

Instead of showing her that he loved her, he ignored her feelings and disregarded her needs.

Arthur swallowed the words. He didn't want to be the one to twist the knife. He knew that Julian must be feeling bitterly regretful himself.

Julian took a hard puff of the cigarette. The harsh words Arthur and Ezra just said flustered his heart a little.

"Can you tell me why did you bring flowers there?" Ezra asked.

Julian flicked the ash from the cigarette and answered, deadpan, "She used to fiddle with those things at home. I thought she liked flowers."

Ezra shrugged helplessly with a smile on his face, "Why are you worrying about her feelings now? Why do you care about what she likes now?"

Julian pursed his lips and turned to look at him. Ezra continued, "Honestly, you really have to reflect on yourself.

"Or should I say, you need to work yourself out. You need to figure out your feelings towards Emelia."

Regarding romantic relationships, blunt were those concerned.

Although Julian himself didn't think so, Ezra and Arthur could sense that Julian had feelings for Emelia.

As Julian's best friends, they felt obliged to point it out so that Julian wouldn't blow off the chance of reuniting with Emelia again.

Julian glanced at them and kept quiet.


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