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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 193

"You are right." Nina gently hugged her and said, "God will take care of the bitches."


Emelia's speculation was right. The reason why Oliver and Taylor went to harass her was indeed that they had taken money.


The father and son had a very poor life after being driven out of Riverside City by Julian. Unexpectedly, they received a call from Heather Duncan.


Heather said that as long as they kept harassing Emelia and making her unhappy, she would continue to give them money. So the father and son immediately agreed.


Taylor looked at the money he had just received from his bank card and couldn't help but sigh. "Emelia blocked our way to make money, but she also brought us money."


Because of Emelia, Julian drove them out of Riverside City, and also because of Emelia, Heather sent them money.


Oliver sneered and said, "Julian fought against his parents for such an unknown woman and sent his sister to prison. What a fool."


After Oliver' words, Taylor suddenly jumped up excitedly. "Dad, I suddenly have a good idea."


Oliver raised his eyes, indicating for him to continue. Taylor grinned, "Julian cares so much about Emelia. If we were to abduct her and threaten him for a sum of money, Julian would have to save her with money, wouldn't he?"


Upon hearing the money, Oliver's eyes lit up.


However, he could still calm down. After thinking for a while, he said in a low voice, "We can't take the risk. Now that Heather Duncan provided us with money, it's better for us to be safe first."


Taylor added, "I do want to extort a huge sum of money from Julian and then go abroad."


"Do you think it's easy to go abroad?" Oliver did not agree with Taylor's suggestion.


Taylor thought for a while and felt that Oliver's words made sense. He didn't know where they could go, and there was the language barrier and a bunch of other troubles.


On the contrary, Emelia, ever since she was a child, Oliver had never been cared about her studies. But in the end, she was able to become the top student of her school.


The reason why Heather had targeted Emelia in this way was to vent her anger.

Because of Vincent's pressure, Caroline's case could not be dealt with secretly. She was gonna be punished according to the law.

Heather also inquired about Caroline's lawyer in detail that what Caroline would experience in the end.

The lawyer said that Caroline's behavior did form a kidnapping, but fortunately, she did not cause any substantial harm to Emelia in the end, so she might be sentenced to probation first.

Because her daughter's reputation had been completely ruined by this matter, However, Heather had completely realized that even if this had not
happened, her precious daughter's reputation hadl ong been ruined by herself.

Therefore, she tried her best to make Emelia unhappy. It was the result of Heather's discussion with Yvonne's mother, Rosalind Longman. Although Julian had an unpleasant relationship with Yvonne and Randolph Sullivan, it did not affect the relationship between Randolph and Gerhard.
However, they had made use of the greed of Oliver and Taylor, and they also underestimated their greed.


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