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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 212

They returned to Vincent's room. Julian and Emelia sat down on the sofa, while Vincent took out a file bag from the safe.

Before handing the file bag to Emelia, Vincent solemnly said to Emelia, "It may be unexpected for you. You should be mentally prepared first."

Emelia nodded, and then Vincent handed the file bag to her.

Julian raised his hand and stopped them. He narrowed his eyes and asked Vincent warily, "Are you sure that the thing inside won't hurt her?"

Vincent wore an elegant smile, but his words were not good at all, "Don't worry. It can't be compared with the divorce papers you gave her."

Julian wanted to punch him so much.

What was wrong with Vincent? Why did he mention the divorce between him and Emelia at this time?

Julian gritted his teeth and protested discontentedly, "What do you mean? It's she who wanted to divorce me! It's she who gave me the divorce papers!"

Vincent sneered. If he didn't hurt Emelia too badly, Emelia wouldn't have insisted on divorce.

But Vincent didn't say anything else. Now was not the time to argue with Julian.

Emelia took the folder, and opened it. Julian sat next to her and wanted to read it. He was very nervous, and felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

As an outsider, he seemed to be even more nervous than Emelia.

He didn't know what was in the file bag.

The first thing that Emelia took out from the file bag was a parent-child identification certificate.

When Emelia saw it, her eyes widened in surprise.

A parent-child identification certificate?

Whose was this?

With such a question, she read it carefully. When she saw the words of the DNA identification of Vincent and Emelia, she was completely stunned.

She was so shocked that she lost the ability to think temporarily and finished the whole report in a daze. When she read that the probability of paternity was 99.9999%, she was too shocked to realize what it meant.

Julian, who sat next to her, was also astonished. He took the report and read it carefully again.

He read every word in the report from beginning to end, and even carefully studied the authenticity of the signed seal in the last line.

After a long while, he looked up at Vincent in disbelief and asked, "Emelia is your biological daughter?"

Hearing that, Emelia also raised her head to look at Vincent. She saw Vincent nod firmly, "Yes, she's my biological daughter."

He found the most authoritative agency to do it, so this DNA test could not be faked.

There was no need for him to fake it.

Vincent was afraid that they did not believe him, so he took off his glasses and said, "Our eyes are very similar."

"There's a photo of me in a younger age. We looked more alike back then." He pointed to the file bag.

Emelia's eyes were already engraved in Julian's heart, so he frowned and looked at Vincent's eyes, finding that their eyes were indeed quite similar.

Then Julian helped Emelia take out the rest things in the file bag. There was a picture of Vincent without wearing glasses when he was young. From this photo, apart from their eyes, Emelia's appearance and temperament were also very similar to Vincent's.

Even if Vincent didn't have the paternity test report, they were undoubtedly father and daughter just by looking at this photo.


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