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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 243

Who would've thought, however, that after giving him the answer, Julian would still stand in the rain without moving. Clearly, he wasn't satisfied with her answer.

Emelia roared loudly, "Julian, are you out of your mind? Are you forcing me to say that I love you?"

Who would force people to say I loved you like this?

Also, she had told him many times about her love for him. At that time, he did not believe her. Not only did he not believe her, but he also ridiculed her from time to time, saying that she was hypocritical and greedy for wealth.

Now he was drenched in the rain and forcing her to say that. How could he bully her like this?

Thinking of this, Emelia's eyes turned red with grievance.

"If you like to get wet, then get wet!" After that, she opened the door and ran into the yard in a hurry. Tears also fell down.

At this time, Vincent came out with an umbrella. Emelia quickly wiped her face. Fortunately, she was also caught in the rain, so that Vincent would not see her cry.

Vincent had just received a call from Winston, saying that he had sent Emelia to the door of his house. However, Julian was waiting there. Vincent was afraid that Emelia would be bullied again by him. After waiting for a while, he did not see Emelia coming back and quickly found her.

After bringing Emelia home, Vincent asked, "Is Julian still outside?"

Emelia nodded. "Yes."

Vincent was so annoyed that he asked, "What's the use of this kind of painful virtue now?"

However, right now, he couldn't care about Julian. He hurriedly instructed Emelia, "Go to take a hot bath and change your clothes. Don't catch a cold."

Emelia agreed and returned to her room. As she stood under the warm shower, for some reason, she thought of Julian in the heavy rain outside, and suddenly felt a surge of irritation. She didn't know if he had left, but if he continued to be drenched, he was gonna get sick sooner or later.

After taking a quick shower and changing her clothes, she took out her mobile phone to call Julian, but no one answered.

It was only at this moment that Emelia realized that there were many missed calls from Julian on her phone. She had muted the phone when she was watching the movie.

On the way back, she had been chatting with Winston about the movie, so she didn't have time to look at her mobile phone. She didn't expect that Julian had called her so many times.

Emelia looked at the time when he had made his first call. By the time she had just returned, he had probably been waiting outside for a long time.

Emelia lowered her eyes. No one knew what kind of feeling she had in her heart.

When Emelia came to the living room, she heard Naomi saying, "Nanny just went outside to have a look. She said that Julian hasn't left yet. We'd better ask him to come in first."

Vincent disagreed with Naomi. "Don't be soft-hearted to him."

Naomi sighed and said, "I'm not soft-hearted. If it doesn't rain, he can stand as long as he likes. But now it's raining heavily outside. Sooner or later, something will happen if he keeps getting wet."

After all, the Longerich family was a prominent family in the Capital. If something happened to Julian, would the media report that the well-known president of the Hughes Group fainted in front of their house in the middle of the night?

Seeing Emelia come out, Naomi quickly handed her a bowl of ginger soup on the table. "Drink this bowl of ginger soup first, lest you catch a cold."

Naomi's carefulness warmed Emelia's heart. After thanking her, she took it and drank it.

After she finished the ginger soup, Vincent frowned and asked her, "Do you want him to come in?"


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