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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 257

The matter of Gerhard Hughes and Heather Duncan had blown up a huge fuss. On the Internet, people were scolding them, and all kinds of malicious words came out.

However, Gerhard didn't have much of an impact on him when he was abroad. On the other hand, Heather was so angry that she almost fainted again. Caroline couldn't bear it anymore and called Julian.

"Brother! It's all your fault for not helping mom and dad. Mom is so angry now. Come back and have a look!" Caroline shouted at Julian on the phone.

Julian's face darkened as he held his phone.

His sister really needed someone to teach her how to behave.

What did she mean by not helping his parents?

First of all, this matter could not be erased just because he had helped them this time. Since they had done it, then this fact would exist forever. They would always have the possibility of being blackmailed by Randolph.

Secondly, it was impossible for him to compromise with Randolph for this matter.

He loves Emelia not Yvonne Sullivan.

He was not that great. Gerhard and Heather were not worth losing their happiness for the rest of their lives in order to protect their parents' reputation.

After hanging up Caroline's call, Julian drove back.

Heather leaned against the bed with a haggard expression. Her eyes were red and swollen.

Caroline sat on the edge of the bed and complained to Heather, "My brother is really crazy. For the sake of Emelia, he doesn't care about your relationship with my father."

Hearing Caroline's words, Heather burst into tears again.

She really didn't expect that Randolph would threaten her son with such a thing, but he still insisted on standing with Emelia and Vincent Longerich. This was her biological child. How could Heather not be sad?

As soon as Julian stepped into Heather's bedroom, he saw Heather's tearful face.

Caroline stood up and wanted to accuse Julian, but before she could say anything, Julian glanced at her with a gloomy face and scolded her in an unkind tone, "Go back to your room."

Caroline was angered by Julian's words. She stamped her foot and said to Heather, "Mom, look at my brother!"

Heather was already sad to begin with. When she saw Julian ask Caroline to go out, she immediately sat up from the bed and scolded him. "Do you still have your mother and sister in your eyes?"

Seeing the hysterical Heather, Julian only felt bushed. He finally saw through her. He had never been able to communicate with his mother.

He took a step back and pretended to leave. He said to Heather in a cold voice, "If I'm not mistaken, before I came here, Caroline must be criticizing me and Emelia."

Caroline's behavior could be called provocation.

If Caroline continued to stay here, she would only add fuel to the fire, and it would not work at all.

Heather and Caroline didn't say anything because Julian's guess was right.

Julian knew that they were right when he saw their expressions, so he said directly, "So this is why I let her go back to her room. If you are willing to listen to her provocation, then you can keep her here. I will go."

Caroline stamped her feet in anger. Heather hesitated for a long time and finally said to Caroline, "Go to your room first."

Caroline gritted her teeth and left in tears.

Heather, on the other hand, looked at Julian. She started to complain with snot and tears all over her face. "I would have been aggressive at that time because I wanted your father to change his mind and completely break up with that woman. I have been trying my best not to divorce because I wanted to give a complete family to you and Caroline!"


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