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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 264

Emelia had rejected his suggestion, and Julian's eyes were filled with disappointment.

But the next second, he went on to say, "When Winston leaves, you have to go out with me too."

Speaking of which, he had never gone out on a trip with Emelia. He didn't even have a hot spring or a golf vacation, let alone a trip.

He often went on business trips all over the world. When they were still married and she was idle at home, he could've taken her on a business trip. Unfortunately, he did not like her at that time.

Thinking of this, Julian wished he could go back to the past and beat himself up.

Emelia felt that this suggestion was simply unreasonable. "That's ridiculous. Why should I do that?"

Julian snorted and said, "You have to be fair. Since you've been entertaining Winston to Riverside City, you have to accompany me on a trip."

Emelia felt that his words seemed to be competing for favor, boring and childish.

She treated Winston as a form of courtesy. Was it necessary for him to learn like this?

However, she still raised her eyebrows and asked him, "Are you sure you want to go out with me?"

Julian nodded without any hesitation, "Yes."

Emelia glanced at him and said, "It's the best way to see if two people can match each other in a trip. After a month of traveling, the two sides haven't seen through each other and hated each other. They haven't quarreled yet, and they still have to maintain the original engagement. I'm sure this kind of couple won't divorce."

After saying this, Emelia 'kindly' reminded Julian, "When we argue all the time during the trip, don't you regret it."

Emelia thought that she might as well go on a trip with Julian. Perhaps they really didn't get along well with each other.

At that time, Julian would probably have dispelled his obsession with her, and she would no longer be tired of this relationship.

Julian didn't agree with her at all. He just held her waist tightly and asked seriously, "If we haven't ended our relationship after trip, will you agree to marry me again?"

Emelia gritted her teeth. "You think too much."

How could she agree to re-marriage just because of a trip?

After experiencing it once, marriage was something that she would never easily step into.

Although Julian was extremely dissatisfied with her answer, he still compromised and admitted, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Anyway, he was very satisfied that she could promise to travel alone with him.

He also knew that he could not be too hasty. Her heart, which had been hurt by him, had to be mended little by little.

Emelia hadn't expected that the two of them would actually come to an agreement on this matter. It could be said that Julian had fulfilled his promise.

Since they had reached an agreement, she said, "Well, you can go now."

Seeing the unwillingness on his face, Emelia said somewhat helplessly, "You can't do anything even if you stay here. What's the point"

She was on her period now, and she just wanted to be alone.

"Who said that nothing can be done?" As soon as Julian finished speaking, he suddenly bent down and picked up Emelia.


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