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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 274

Julian first sent Nina home, and then returned to the residence with Emelia.

After getting out of the car, Emelia headed home, followed by Julian. Emelia chased him away in disdain. "Go back to your home."

Julian simply put his arms around her waist and whispered, "Home is where you're in it."

Once he got close to her, he would never want to be separated from her again, not even for a second.

Emelia felt goosebumps rise from his words. She really couldn't stand his words.

But before she could say anything, Julian added, "Since you have told me the password of the house, I can come in at any time."

What he said did make sense. Emelia was too lazy to argue with him.

After returning home, Emelia went to remove her makeup and change her clothes. When she stood in front of the mirror and took off the ruby necklace, Julian hugged her from behind and kept getting closer to her.

Emelia really couldn't stand it any longer. She looked at him in the mirror and lectured him. "Julian, don't you feel tired of getting so close to me all day long?"

The man in the mirror put his chin on her shoulder and said without any embarrassment, "No."

Emelia sighed hard and said, "You're a man. Why are you clingier than a woman all day long?"

In a relationship, shouldn't women be clingier? Why did he want to stay by her side all day long?

Julian asked her seriously, "Is there anyone who says that men can't be clingy?"

Emelia was a little speechless. Obviously, there was no rule that men could not be clingy, but she was not used to it.

Julian hugged her tightly and complained his friends, "You don't know Phil. He's even more clingy to his wife."

Phil was indeed very obedient to his wife. He and Ezra had laughed at Phil a lot before, and he was even dissatisfied that Phil rarely came out to meet them since he got married. Unexpectedly, he was now like Phil.

"I'm going to take a shower. Let me go." Emelia protested.

Only then did Julian let go of her, but he stopped her from leaving and took out an exquisite small box from his pocket. After opening it, there was a bright diamond ring inside. The style was generous and simple, but the light of the diamond was dazzling.

"This is for you." As he spoke, he took out the ring and trying to put it on for Emelia.

Emelia was so frightened that she quickly withdrew her hand. "Why, why do you suddenly give me the ring?"

Moreover, he was going to put the ring on the ring finger of her left hand. It was the finger that for the wedding ring.

Julian explained seriously, "When I saw you receive the green gemstone jewelry from the Longerich family, I also wanted to give you something. So I asked my friend to help me buy this diamond and asked the designer to make a ring."

He would never admit that he had deliberately put it on her ring finger.

Emelia refused the ring. "I accept your kindness, but rings don't seem to be suitable for our relationship."

In her opinion, the first reason that a man gave a woman a ring was to propose, and the second was to get married. Or, a ring would be used as a token of love.

But she was just physically related to Julian now. It was not appropriate for him to give her such a valuable ring.

"Why not? I just want to give you some gifts." He simply placed the ring on the table next to Emelia, not allowing her to refuse.

He emphasized again, "The green gems and ruby jewelry that your grandma gave you are very valuable. They are not suitable for daily wear. But you can wear this one every day."


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