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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 279

Emelia hurriedly stepped forward and turned off the fire. She grabbed Julian's hand and placed it under the tap. "Hurry up and splash your hand with cold water."

Julian allowed her to do whatever she wanted and said with regret, "I'm sorry. I'm so useless that I can't even cook a meal."

For some reason, Emelia felt that the way he looked now was... very cheap, but even though she knew that he was pretending, she could not ignore him. She could only comfort him and said, "It's nothing. I was like this when I first learned how to cook."

Julian held her in his arms with his uninjured hand and asked in a low voice, "Have you been burnt before?"

He remembered that she said that she could cook when she was very young, because Oliver's wife, who was her adoptive mother, was in poor health. And she couldn't count on Oliver to cook at all, so she could only take care of her mother on her own.

Emelia smiled sheepishly at him. "No."

She just said that to comfort him, so that he didn't think that he was clumsy. Not everyone was as untalented as him on cooking.

Ever since the first time she cooked, she had never been burnt by oil.

Julian was already over thirty years old, and still he got himself burnt. Emelia really didn't know what to say.

But because of this burn, Emelia withdrew her aloofness towards him. She even helped him apply the ointment and warned him of getting the wound wet.

He had also tasted a meal made by Emelia. Ever since he had divorced her, aside from eating the noodles made by her several times, he hadn't eaten anything cooked by her any more.

Julian tasted the familiar cuisine and secretly felt that his burn was worth it.

However, he soon regretted it.

Julian had calculated Emelia's period and thought that they could be intimate.

In the evening, after taking a shower, Emelia had just come out of the bathroom when she was carried to the bed by Julian.

She knew what he wanted to do, so she raised his hand and pushed him away. "No, no."

Julian frowned slightly. "What's wrong? Hasn't your menstruation passed?"

"Right. But your hand's burnt." Emelia said seriously.

Emelia knew that he had put on a show to stop the cold war between them, but she's also learned to be clever. Although she knew that he had restraind his desire so bad, she had still intentionally used the burn as an excuse so that he wouldn't be able to do what he wanted to.

Julian was anxious, "It's just a small injury, and it doesn't affect me at all."

He just had a small blister on my hand. How could it affect his sexual life?

Besides, with his physical strength, he could do it with one hand...

"That won't do either. What if you get hurt?" After saying that, Emelia got up and pushed him away. She raised her hand and gently patted him on the face to comfort him. "Be good and bear with it. Let's talk about it when the wound on your hand is completely healed."

Then she quickly got up and left, leaving him in the guest bedroom again.

Julian gritted his teeth and lay on the bed angrily.

How could he survive this long and painful night?

Unwilling to give up, he got up and knocked on the door of Emelia's bedroom. "If you really torture me like this and I get sick, believe it or not, I'll tie you up to the Civil Hall and get married again. You have to be responsible for me!"

Emelia's slow voice seeped into the guest bedroom. "Don't cause trouble for nothing. Don't tell me that men cannot live without women. Besides, don't you have the other hand?"


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