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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 281

Emelia knew that she had been drugged. That was exactly how she reacted after drinking the juice that Oliver and his son had given her.

Thinking of this, her eyes turned red with fear. She was sent to Julian's bed that time, what about this time?

Emelia didn't dare to think about it anymore, because no matter who it was, she couldn't accept it.

If it weren't for the fact that the man was Julian, she would have died a long time ago.

Women were sometimes so stupid. As long as it was the man they loved, they could do anything.

But if it weren't like that, she would have killed herself.

This time, if someone touched her, she would want to die. But when she thought of her father, Vincent, who she had just found, and the warm people of the Longerich family, her tears suddenly fell down.

She couldn't bear to leave.

Why did God treat her like this?

She finally got her father's love and finally got a warm big family. How could God bear to take all this away?

There was a glass on the bedside table. It was obvious that someone had fed her water and medicine with it. Emelia used all her strength to raise her arm and swept the glass to the floor with difficulty.

The glass fell to the ground, shattered into pieces. Emelia took a few deep breaths and struggled to roll off the bed. The glass fragments plunged into her arms and back, which made her sweat all over in an instant, but her consciousness became a little clearer.

Under the stimulation of pain, she struggled to move to her bag. Whether she could save herself or not, she had to do whatever she could at this moment.

The faint sound of conversation could be heard from inside. Emelia could only grit her teeth and speed up.

The drug in her body was getting stronger and stronger. She bit the back of her hand hard and tried to sober herself up.

When she pulled down her bag and struggled to find the phone that had been turned off maliciously, the voice outside the room could be heard completely clearly.

At first, a man's lustful voice sounded. "Yvonne, the woman you talk about...Is she really that good?"

Then came a female voice. Although she deliberately lowered her voice, Emelia could still tell that it was Yvonne's voice.

"Of course, you will know when you go in and have a look." Yvonne comforted the man.

Emelia was angry when she learned that Yvonne was trying to harm her. But it seemed that she had not offended anyone other than Yvonne. According to Yvonne's character, it was not surprising for her to do such a thing.

"But I only want to spend the night with you now." The man outside was still saying dirty words, but Emelia didn't have time to care about that. She lay there and pressed the switch button of her mobile phone with difficulty, and then the first call was made to Julian.

Almost as soon as the phone rang, it was picked up. Emelia immediately burst into tears. "Julian..."

Julian didn't ask her where she was at first, but said directly, "I'll be right there. Don't be afraid."

These words soothed Emelia a bit. He should find her soon.

"I, I can't hold on any longer. I have no strength left..." She could feel the burning breath in her body. After saying this, she began to pant.

Julian said without any hesitation, "You don't have to."


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