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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 289

Emelia had just returned from a stroll with Julian when her phone displayed Yvonne's number.

Julian immediately recognized that it was Yvonne's call, so he hung up without Emelia's permission. His expression became very gloomy, and he thought, "What the hell with Yvonne?"

Did she still want to suffer more?

Emelia didn't know why Yvonne had called her, and she didn't want to pick up either.

However, Yvonne kept calling. When Emelia picked up, she heard Yvonne crying on the phone, "Emelia, I was wrong. Please let me go."

Yvonne cried hyesterically, but Emelia just listened to the phone without saying a word.

After a while, when Yvonne stopped crying, Emelia said calmly, "Yvonne, I just want to say one thing to you."

Yvonne sobbed and asked Emelia, "What?"

Emelia replied, "If an apology is useful, why do we need the police?"

Yvonne could tell that Emelia didn't intend to forgive her, so she burst into tears. "Emelia, please, I won't target you anymore."

Yvonne had always looked down on people. Now, she was crying and begging for mercy in front of Emelia. On the surface, she looked sincere, but Emelia did not accept it. Emelia said sarcastically, "Yvonne, do you think I'm a push-over?"

Yvonne paused for a moment and didn't answer.

Emelia continued, "Then I'm really sorry. I'm not a kind person. You hurt me viciously. Of course, I'll make you pay the price."

"Did anything happen between you and Matt? Matt didn't sleep with you, right?" Yvonne roared angrily at Emelia.

Yvonne didn't understand why Emelia was so vicious. Although she wanted to hurt her, she didn't, right? And in the end, Yvonne hurt herself. She was the pitiful one!

Yvonne thought to herself: She had apologized to Emelia in such a humble manner, but Emelia still wouldn't let her go.

Emelia thought that Yvonne's logic was ridiculous. Did Yvonne think that since Emelia was fine, she ought to forgive her?


What if something really happened to her?

In that case, Emelia's life would be ruined.

Julian was also angered by Yvonne's shamelessness. He took Emelia's phone and warned Yvonne, "If you dare to call Emelia again, prison will not be the only thing that Randolph is facing."

After saying that, Julian hung up the phone without hesitation and stopped Yvonne from disturbing Emelia.

How could he have misjudged her? He thought that Yvonne was quite suitable to be his wife.

Emelia chose not to forgive Yvonne because she didn't think that Yvonne would reflect on herself. Yvonne just didn't want to suffer too much. Once Yvonne had a chance to turn over, she would definitely continue to target at Emelia.

After hanging up the phone, Yvonne threw away the phone in her hand in despair.

She thought that Emelia was soft-hearted and easy to talk to. As long as she begged for mercy, Emelia would let her go...

What was worse, Matt called Yvonne again at this time.

When Yvonne thought of Matt's perverted behavior in bed, she felt disgusted. When she thought of how Matt had beaten her up, she hated him even more.

But Yvonne was in a miserable situation now, so she had to answer Matt's phone.


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