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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 332

Arthur knew the truth hurt Emelia a lot and he comforted her, "It's not that bad, Emelia.”
Heather pulled Arthur away and pointed at Emelia and cursed, "And you are such a bitch who told Julian not to save his own sister
when she called Julian for help!"
"If something happens to Caroline, | won't let you go!" Heather kept bombarding Emelia with curse and blame.
But Emelia somehow calmed down amongst Heather's curse.
She put her hand down from her cheek and raised her head to look at Heather, the woman who had never stopped finding fault with her.
She was even willing to believe such a ridiculous lie told by Caroline.
Arthur said angrily, "Mrs. Hughes, Julian had already set about saving Caroline! And he did tell us that Emelia also urged him to save his
"Arthur, Emelia interrupted his words.
Emelia didn't want Arthur to do anything for her. From the expression on Heather's face, she could know that Heather didn't believe a
single word of what Arthur said.
And now Heather's mind must be occupied with the fact that Emelia wouldn't give her a grandchild. So, even if she knew Arthur was
right, she wouldn't stop cursing Emelia.
With that idea in mind, she said to Heather directly, "If there is nothing else you want to tell me, please leave here right now.’
Heather shouted with rage, "What did you say?"
Emelia ignored her words and slammed the door in her face.
Heather felt she was humiliated. Then she cried outside the door, "I will make it clear to you, Emelia! You such a bitch! | tell you that |
won't let you get into my family as long as I'm alive!"
Though Arthur used to respect his elderly, he was still quite angry at Heather, who appeared quite insane and uncourteous. He took
Heather at her arm and pulled her towards her car to stop her from cursing Emelia.
Arthur then put her into the car and asked the driver, "Now take her away!"
Heather was extremely angry at Arthur's behavior. She peeped out from the window and scolded, "How could you treat me like that,
Arthur? I'll go to your parents and tell them how barbaric you are!"
Arthur was in fury right now. He didn't care what she said.
And his parents knew what's wrong and what's right.
He wasn't afraid whether Heather would tell his parents or not.
Finally, Heather's car went away. Arthur took a deep breath and knocked on Emelia’s door. He knew he had to comfort Emelia for
Julian's good.
But Emelia didn't open the door for him but said to him behind the door, "Doctor Hudgens, | know you are worried about me. But | really
need some time to think it over. Just leave me alone, please."

Arthur knew Emelia needed some time to calm down. He chose to advise her gently, "You must know it clear how important you are for
Julian. He will love you all the same no matter what happens.”

Emelia halted for a second before she replied in a low voice, "Thank you."

Arthur heaved a sigh and got back to his car. But he didn't leave but choose to stay in the car. He was here for Julian.

Now he only hoped Julian could finish his work there sooner and then get back.

After all, it should be a thing between Julian and Emelia. Outsiders like him could not intervene between them. They should face the
problem themselves.

Half an hour later, the door of Emelia’s house was opened and Emelia came out with a suitcase.

Arthur was scared by her behavior and opened his car's door to run over to her, "What are you doing, Emelia?"

The kins around Emelia's eyes looked red and swollen. Her eyes and the bruise of the slap on her face made her seemed quite
exhausted and withered.

She lowered her eyelids and said to Arthur, "I couldn't stay here anymore, Arthur.’

Emelia also thought that nothing could separate her from Julian given all those things they had undergone. But now she had to leave.

Arthur said hastily, "You could wait until Julian gets back."

Emelia sighed, "But by then he won't let me leave.”

"Then you can stay! Why don't you face the problem together?" Arthur said worriedly.

"No, you don't understand,’ Emelia shook her head with a forced smile on face, "| couldn't face it.’

"| felt as if my heart were torn apart when | think of the fact that | cannot give birth to the child of the man | love. Then gossips may
begin to spread.”

She loved him so much, so she hoped that the one she loved could have his own children and that when he got old, he could have his
sons and daughters staying around to take care of him.

Arthur stamped on the ground, "Without you, Julian will kill himself. You and Julian had undergone untold hardships, Emelia. You
shouldn't give up so soon."

She turned away and sobbed, "No one's life depends on others and he makes no exception. Separation is agonizing at this moment. But
he will calm down and return to his normal life several years later."

Emelia sounded quite sturdy as if she was not who she had been. Then she gave a letter to Arthur, "Please help me give this letter to
Julian. | wrote what | want to tell him in this letter. He will Know what | have in mind.”


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