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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 370

"A special identity?" Emelia became even more curious. "Who is it?"

Marvin said firmly, "It's Zella Sabir, again."

Emelia was a bit surprised. "Zella Sabir?"

Emelia had met Zella several times when she went to visit the crew of "Princess Leilania". She had a good impression of Zella, who was very professional.

Moreover, she had also heard Nina talk about her. Zella was an extremely interesting person, optimistic and lively. She could always bring people endless vitality and happiness.

Although Zella was a good choice, Marvin had recommended Zella twice, so Emelia naturally assumed that there was something between Marvin and Zella.

Marvin saw through what she was thinking and said, "Because I still recommended her, I need to talk to you face to face. Otherwise, something can't be explained clearly and people will think that I recommended her for personal reasons."

"Personal reasons?"

For some reason, at this moment, Emelia's attention was diverted to somewhere else.

Did Marvin have an affair with Zella?

She thought about Zella's charming appearance and then looked at the noble man in front of her. She found it incredible.

But Marvin raised his eyebrow and asked, "What's wrong? Didn't Mr. Hughes tell you about my relationship with Zella?"

A few days ago, at the finished banquet of "Princess Leilania", Julian called Marvin outside and asked him what he wanted to talk to Emelia face to face with.

Before he could answer, Julian asked him if he wanted to chase after Emelia again.

Marvin immediately began to laugh. This was the so-called concern that caused chaos by Julian. How could he show any interest in Emelia?

So Marvin patiently explained why he went to Emelia for help and took the initiative to explain the relationship between him and Zella, in case Julian continued to be jealous of him in the future.

Marvin had thought that Julian would talk to Emelia about these things, but now that he saw how curious Emelia was, probably Julian didn't say anything.

That's right. Julian was too embarrassed to say that he was jealous of him.

Emelia shook her head. "He didn't say anything."

Julian had never told her about this. He was so busy that he even handed over the task of picking her up in the town to David Brennan. She hadn't even seen him since she arrived in Riverside City today.

Marvin understood and explained simply, "I got married with Zella."


Emelia, who had always been calm, did not manage her expression well this time. She was so shocked that her eyeballs almost fell out.

They were not dating, nor were they engaged, but having gotten married?

"That's right."

Emelia's astonishment was within Marvin's expectations. He responded and then showed Emelia the ring finger on his left hand. It was obvious that he was wearing a ring.

Emelia glanced at the ring and slowly came to her senses. She had just seen Marvin wearing a ring on his hand, but she didn't think about that he had been got married at all.

Marvin was just like Viggo Johansen in the entertainment circle, and he had always been far from any gossip.

Many people even said, not in a friendly way, that they might be gay. In fact, both of them just weren't the playboy-type of guy.

At their age, most men had lovers or partners, but some men were unwilling to give in to a make-do relationship. If they could not meet someone they really liked, they would rather stay single.

Emelia took a sip of coffee to suppress her shock, and then hurriedly said, "Congratulations."


Marvin smiled.

Emelia changed the topic back to business. "So, even though you are a couple, you recommend her just because you think she is suitable for the role?"


Marvin said seriously, "I believe you should also know that I'm not the kind of person who is biased."

"That's right."

Emelia nodded gently. She believed in Marvin's character.

"I've read Mr. Longerich's new book many times. After thinking about it, I feel that Zella is still suitable for the female lead. She used to play a small role in all walks of life. She has a strong empathy ability and infinite potential."

"Of course, I just recommend her. We'll decide whether to use her after you and Mr. Longerich, the director, investors, and others discuss it."

Marvin didn't try his best to recommend Zella. Instead, he said, "The reason I invited you out today is that I want to thank you seriously."


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