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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 373

Heather had made trouble for him for that. Later, Grandpa chose to be the bad person and told Heather directly that since he was alive, he was still the head of the Hughes family. If Grandpa didn't allow Gerhard to come back, they couldn't.

Heather finally stopped making troubles. She no longer mentioned anything about coming back for the holiday, but she often called him to complain about how painful it was to live with Gerhard.

Although it was not easy for Gerhard to find a woman with Heather's supervision, but they did not get along well with each other. They quarreled for a long time and Heather said that she was about to die of anger because of Gerhard.

While they were talking, Julian's cell phone rang again. It was from Heather.

Julian directly hung up.

Looking at his annoyed face, Emelia thought for a moment and persuaded him, "Or you can persuade them to divorce?"

Emelia thought, "Since Heather and Gerhard don't get along well, why can't they get a divorce?"


Julian sneered and said, "Do you think I haven't persuaded them? I have persuaded them since many years ago but my mother refused to divorce."

"She thought if she could keep her position as Mrs. Hughes, she would be rich for the rest of her life."

Because she was his biological mother, Julian couldn't say how stupid Heather's thought was.

On that point, Emelia thought more thoroughly than Heather.

In the past, Emelia had felt that she couldn't continue living with Julian, so she had decided to divorce him.

Emelia didn't expect Heather to be so stubborn. She suggested, "Why don't you stop them from living together then? They can't just keep on torturing each other like this."

"No way!"

Julian's tone was a little harsh and even a little resentful. "They made Caroline and I suffer so much. Why do they get to live a peaceful life?"

Emelia never thought that Julian would lose control of his emotions. In her impression, she rarely saw him lose control like that. It could be seen that Julian and Heather had indeed disappointed him.

Because Julian was still driving, Emelia was afraid that saying too much would affect his driving, so she fell silent and didn't say anything else.

After a while, Julian said as if he was making a promise or venting his anger, "If I had a child, I wouldn't ignore them. I must love them very much. I would definitely give them a perfect and happy family and let them feel the warmth of the family."

Perhaps it was because Julian realized the physical condition of Emelia, Julian continued, "Actually, I don't really look forward to having children. I'm very afraid that I won't be a qualified father and that my children will suffer as well."

"So, it's good to have no children."

Julian was telling the truth. When he thought that his children would suffer like him, he decided not to have children.

Without any hesitation, Emelia continued his topic, "If you become a father, I believe you will be a conscientious father. You will love and care about your child. You will accompany them and raise them gently and patiently. You will definitely be a good father."

After saying these words, Julian let out a soft laugh. Taking advantage of the opportunity when they were waiting for the traffic light, Julian turned his head and gave Emelia a deep look. "Emelia, do you know? This is the first time you've sincerely praised me after we divorced."

Emelia lowered her eyes. "I'm just telling the truth."


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